Thanks Jan.

I've tried to focus on good clothing. We both have some version (Goretex, eVent, etc) of breathable/waterproof boots, pants, and jackets. As the jackets we had are more intended for summer, we actually picked up these very loose fitting "froggtogg" jackets that are supposedly waterproof. They are like a Tyvek. But, they are very lightweight and can go on over a heavy coat and are backups, so, even if only ok, I am good with it we always have the originals. Also, ice trekkers for the boots.

Water inside the camera? TDP doesn't have the stunned emoji I want to use. I'll definitely throw in some extra ziplocks and trash bags. I have a ruggard rain shields, but those are more aimed at bigger lenses, ok...just ordered 2 of the smaller rain shields. But, it sounds as if I'll need to let me camera acclimate inside a ziplock/trashbag.

Went the SUV route on the car rental. And, one of the only times in my life, picked up the "recommended" insurance from expedia even though I'll have coverage through my credit card and my actual auto insurance. But, we'll be sure to photograph the car. I hadn't heard about sand storms and am planning on declining insurance offered at the counter in Iceland.

Can't wait to see some of your pictures and any suggested locations would be great.

Thanks again...Brant