Quote Originally Posted by Kayaker72 View Post
Ha...I like the idea of some free chocolate.

Overall, it really depends on a lot of factors ranging from how they may want to use your photos to how you feel about being compensated. Is this simply people using something nice that you did or are they crossing lines where they are taking advantage of you? Also, your Mom works there, would asking for money make things awkward for her and if so, how much is that worth?

If it was me, I would likely feel fine letting them use what I created on a limited basis. At the time, you did not expect compensation when you created it, it is just a matter of someone appreciating it and using it a bit different. But, to me, the line would be crossed if they started to ask for more effort from you, additional photos or additional edits. Or, if they were going to start using your photos to the extent where they would want you to sign away rights, etc.

Fun projects should be fun. Things that become work to you and professional, that is a different arena. It is always important to draw boundaries.
the place my mom is at is mostly a distributor, they get the chocolate from Venezuela and ship it all over america, but they do chocolate tastings, also they have a shop there to sell gifts and such, they also sell goods made with their chocolate from candy makers, which is where the bars come in.

i did the first as a favor for my mom, but if her work ask's i'm treating it as a job.

honestly my moms place is just using one picture (number 2 of the group shots) but the woman who makes the bars the one interested in putting them on her site as a display.