If you're going the bubble route, you have to make a little stronger bubble than usual or at least that is what I have found. I take a plastic up (usually use an old Tanners Bar cup I have), fill it about 1/4 full of dish soap, then I add a couple table spoons of Karo, a table spoon of glycerine and then fill it about an inch from the top with water. Mix it well. I then take a straw and cut the bottom at an angle. That makes it really easy to place the bubbles where you want. Find a good background and shoot away. I shot the bubble in the contest with an 85mm and a 12mm extension tube this time around. I usually use my 100mm macro. If you wanted to make a video or timelapse, get a tripod set up and focus on a specific point where your blowing the bubble. When you blow the bubble you'll probably be blowing it in the same spot and usually takes about 5 or 6 bubbles popping before a nice cozy spot develops where they won't pop anymore.