Quote Originally Posted by Joel Eade View Post
This post contains one image from each of the following Canon bodies that I have owned: 40D, 7DII, 1DIII, 1DMKIV, 1DX, 5DsR, 5DMKIV and R5. Can you tell which is which?


To add my own thoughts on camera development, a large MP sensor is not always desirable. In electronic shutter mode or with movies, higher MPs mean a higher tendency for rolling shutter problems. Plus of course more MPs mean larger files, which fill up cards & hard drives & buffers, and slow down post-processing work. A lot of sports photographers don't need huge files for most publications, so they are quite happy with 20 MP.

Rolling shutter is getting to be less of a problem with faster processors. So maybe by the time the R1 comes around, it will be a non-issue. A global shutter is another potential solution but it always adds noise to an image.

So as Fast Glass stated, putting a R5 sensor in a R3 body would be a very fine combo. But I'm guessing that Canon is waiting until they can develop a processor that is fast enough to give that system real high speed capability, for example 20 fps with an infinite buffer and no rolling shutter problems whatsoever.