Great summary and great idea to start this thread. I'll add some more comments to this later I'm sure, but right now I just want to say that I agree with you on all of those points.

For now, just one comment on the EVF: I'm definitely torn about this. I do love the fact you can see the exposure and know when you need to make quick adjustments. And the image quality in the viewfinder is much better than I thought it would be. But then I grab my 1DX and look through the optical viewfinder, and immediately love it even more. For the entire lynx encounter I had last month, I watched the cat on a miniature TV screen in the viewfinder, instead of seeing it "for real" through an optical viewfinder. But I guess I'll have to get used to this, because EVF is obviously here to stay. But also, I know that I'll never sell my 1DX because I will always be nostalgic for the real thing. Maybe it's the same thing as an audiophile who prefers vinyl over compact disc?