Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan Huyer View Post
For me that would be a 400 f/2.8 with built-in 1.4 TC. I'm quite envious of Nikon for that.
Yep...those have caught my eye as well. A 400 f/2.8 and 600 f/4 both with built-in 1.4 TC. Of course, for $15k and $15.5k. Some of Nikon's other glass, like the 500 f/5.6 PF or the 120-300 f/2.8 have also had my attention.

Some good glass.

I'd be tempted by a Canon 400 f/2.8 with built in TC, but I would probably lean toward the 200-400 f/4 TC replacement if it is a 200-500 f/4 TC. Or a 120-300 f/2.8 with built in TC???

Just don't know if I'd pay the price Canon will sell it for.....