I'll post a few this year even if I can't really say I had a single outing dedicated to photography. Every picture is either taken from my home or during a walk with my children.

I took this one in January on a foggy day.

Foggy... by Pierre, on Flickr

Then I went to the local zoo and the lynx was running outside looking for its food, so I took a shot or two.

Lynx by Pierre, on Flickr

I few weeks later, I looked through my kitchen window and saw this.

Sunrise by Pierre, on Flickr

In the early days of Autumn, I went to a nice place not too far from home and got two pictures I liked.

Alps by Pierre, on Flickr

A quiet life by Pierre, on Flickr

While my kids were playing in a park, I got about 10 seconds to compose this one.

Something different by Pierre, on Flickr

A few days later, I saw this leaf on a wall...

Leaf by Pierre, on Flickr

And a final one I took in the last days of the year.

Winter Landscape by Pierre, on Flickr