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Thread: I do not want to start a riot...or be stoned to death...but question: anyone using both Canon and Nikon gear? .....

  1. #21
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    Re: I do not want to start a riot...or be stoned to death...but question: anyone using both Canon and Nikon gear? .....

    Quote Originally Posted by BES

    Awww, Colin, you are funny[img]/emoticons/emotion-2.gif[/img]

    I hope your current or future beau will have the same appreciation for the fine art of photography as you do. We have an agreement with my husband that I have to learn (means spend $$) photography to keep my sanity, it is my de-stressor and complete fun thing to do. He is completely not into it, but I stay away from his music collection and thousand of CDs and God knows how many Ipods [img]/emoticons/emotion-1.gif[/img] Hey, everyone has to have their thing and space!
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    It's a wonderful thing when two people can respect each other's interests...

    Who uses CDs? Rip them, store them... When he takes up a room to store his vinyl, you guys can think about therapy [] Until then, it sounds like quite a good arrangement. []

  2. #22
    Senior Member Maleko's Avatar
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    Re: I do not want to start a riot...or be stoned to death...but question: anyone using both Canon and Nikon gear? .....

    I use Canon because before I got my DSLR I had a go with my Brother in laws Canon and loved it. Neverused Nikon, but in some photos a friend takes with his Nikon the colours don't seem natural, now that could be down to his settings etc, but anyways.

    I'm also glad I choose Canon as when I work along side a wedding photographer he uses Canon, so worked out well for me to share lenses!

  3. #23
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    Re: I do not want to start a riot...or be stoned to death...but question: anyone using both Canon and Nikon gear? .....

    LOL, Colin, You ARE funny. No, no vinyl here, just tons of Cds, but that is OK with me, I started buying him itunes cards, hopefully he converts one day, he is a stubborn cookie. Problem will be when I acquire enough eqipment we compete for space []

    Fat chances, I'll get rid of other stuff first [:O]

    My husband just rolls his eyes when i say "I need a new this or new that " but since he knows nothing about photography, he could care less as long as I am happy. I am pretty reasonable though and spread my purchases so we can still pay our mortgage.

    Colin, which camera do you own? you are so knowledgeable about photography, when did you start?

  4. #24

    Re: I do not want to start a riot...or be stoned to death...but question: anyone using both Canon and Nikon gear? .....

    1, I kinda started in a "Canon Surrounding" with everyone using Canon and being satisfied with it I decided it would bve the right choise, and I must say it didn;t fail me yet till this day.

    2. My father-in-law owns a D40 and a D60, I used them several times on different occasions. But, really when using them, they really feel unpractical (compaired to my 400D), buttons strangly located, strange menus, ect. And about image quality, sometimes I check his shots and they look fine but this also has a lot to do with the lens.

    3. I've compaired several of my C lenses to my dad-in-laws N lenses and I am absolutly more for the Canon once, why? Well first of all, the outter designs of Canon are somehow more smooth, more practical and not so bulky as the Nikons, also personaly, even if it's quite irrelevant, the appearance of any Nikon lens that I've seen doesn't even come near any of the L grade lenses of Canon, and not just that red ring but also the looks of the matarials used.

    ...But if you really want to know, the thing thats turns me away <span style="visibility: visible;" id="main"]<span style="visibility: visible;" id="topstuff"]<span class="spell"]completely from Nikon is the shutter sounds I know it's <span style="visibility: visible;" id="main"]<span style="visibility: visible;" id="topstuff"]<span class="spell"]totally<span style="visibility: visible;" id="main"]<span style="visibility: visible;" id="topstuff"]<span class="spell"] <span style="visibility: visible;" id="main"]<span style="visibility: visible;" id="topstuff"]<span class="spell"]ridiculous but nothings gives me more motivation and moral when shooting a couple then the sounds of my Canon shutter.. [:$] <span style="visibility: visible;" id="main"]<span style="visibility: visible;" id="topstuff"]<span class="spell"]

  5. #25
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    Re: I do not want to start a riot...or be stoned to death...but question: anyone using both Canon and Nikon gear? .....

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot - having a high end flash that zooms tp 200mm (but preferably on that isn't ugly like the SB series :P)

  6. #26

    Re: I do not want to start a riot...or be stoned to death...but question: anyone using both Canon and Nikon gear? .....

    Quote Originally Posted by Ehcalum

    Quote Originally Posted by ShutterbugJohan

    Ability to assign one button to lock both the exposure and focus--at the same time. I find it annoying to only have one function available at any time.

    You can do this in Canon, under custom functions. Its under the AF custom fuction menu.

    I'm glad to hear Canon has fixed this problem. Unfortunately, I can't set it that way on my 10D.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ehcalum
    You can also set it to Back Button Focus so your shutter is only good for expouser and triggering the camera while the * button is for focus.

    I have some friends that use their cameras this way, but I find that it hinders my shooting style.

  7. #27
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    Re: I do not want to start a riot...or be stoned to death...but question: anyone using both Canon and Nikon gear? .....

    BES (andrea?)

    I currently own a Canon 5D and a 30d. Acquired them sometime in the middle of 2007. Happy to be stuck with them for the near future.

    I started into digital SLR with a Canon RebelXT (which I technically own, but a friend uses with my 28-135mm). Got that as a christmas present, and bought myself a 28-135 (which I thought would be the only lens i'd own) in late 2005 after my S-50 took a dive into some waves when the tripod tipped over. It was a really cool P&amp;S. I'm sorry I lost it []

    I got into the potential of digital photography with the aforementioned Canon S-50 P&amp;S, learning the whole aperture/ISO/exposure relationship.. I picked that up as a 'family' camera, though the ex took it to use primarily as her own until she used the leftover insurance money to buy herself a 20D and Mamiya 645AFD setup (and I got to pay the leftover medical bills), at which time, I guess middle 2004, I got to actually play with it.

    Prior to that, I had (and still have for kid use) a Kodak 1MP digital camera. I got it for my birthday, i think it was like 2001 or something, though I don't know where those pictures would be, if they're to be found at all. kind of a shame... I had some additional add on lenses, but it was entirely automatic, and a really crappy camera, but you could take as many pictures as you liked, and it was fun.

    Prior to that, I had a Polaroid and a Ricoh, and I think it was a Fuji or whatever camera that had the disposable flashes the size of large candy bars, and film that was smaller than 35mm, and took images fairly sparsely, as the money to develop issue was kind of a limitation. I primarily took pictures of my friends and myself skateboarding, my shoes, the pyramid of pineapple juice cans in my room... You know, proof of coolness.

    It's nice of you to say so, though I look back and think, I really should be better at this than I am considering I've been at this for awhile. I feel like i'm just getting up to speed on a lot of this. I spent so much time just winging it, and not really having any idea of what I was actually doing, let alone what I was trying to do, and how to get it done. Bryan's site, and this forum in fact, have been of immense help. It's a much bigger pond, but I like it [], and the interactive part is very, very useful. You can look at photography magazines for information, but I like this better, and so far, I've gotten more out of it.

  8. #28
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    Re: I do not want to start a riot...or be stoned to death...but question: anyone using both Canon and Nikon gear? .....

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B

    We have a guy that shoots for our mag that shoots Nikon. He uses the Nikon 28-70 2.8 and his images are always soft, then he over sharpens them in post. It is so funny, he'll shoot portraits and the eyes will be blurry. Drives me crazy, the editor thinks he so great. Might not be the lens, he probably just sucks.

    I read somewhere here that Nikon's wides are supposed to be better. I have read a few reviews that were quite the contrary. I've seen the 16-35 mkII beat out the Nikon 17-35 in more than one review, based on equivalent sharpness but superior low distortion over the Nikon. I hear the 12-24 Nikon is quite good though.
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    Maybe his AF Microadjustment is not dialed in. His Nikon has that, right? []

  9. #29
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    Re: I do not want to start a riot...or be stoned to death...but question: anyone using both Canon and Nikon gear? .....

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin

    BES (andrea?)

    I currently own a Canon 5D and a 30d. Acquired them sometime in the middle of 2007. Happy to be stuck with them for the near future.

    I started into digital SLR with a Canon RebelXT (which I technically own, but a friend uses with my 28-135mm). Got that as a christmas present, and bought myself a 28-135 (which I thought would be the only lens i'd own) in late 2005 after my S-50 took a dive into some waves when the tripod tipped over. It was a really cool P&amp;S. I'm sorry I lost it [img]/emoticons/emotion-6.gif[/img]

    I got into the potential of digital photography with the aforementioned Canon S-50 P&amp;S, learning the whole aperture/ISO/exposure relationship.. I picked that up as a 'family' camera, though the ex took it to use primarily as her own until she used the leftover insurance money to buy herself a 20D and Mamiya 645AFD setup (and I got to pay the leftover medical bills), at which time, I guess middle 2004, I got to actually play with it.

    Prior to that, I had (and still have for kid use) a Kodak 1MP digital camera. I got it for my birthday, i think it was like 2001 or something, though I don't know where those pictures would be, if they're to be found at all. kind of a shame... I had some additional add on lenses, but it was entirely automatic, and a really crappy camera, but you could take as many pictures as you liked, and it was fun.

    Prior to that, I had a Polaroid and a Ricoh, and I think it was a Fuji or whatever camera that had the disposable flashes the size of large candy bars, and film that was smaller than 35mm, and took images fairly sparsely, as the money to develop issue was kind of a limitation. I primarily took pictures of my friends and myself skateboarding, my shoes, the pyramid of pineapple juice cans in my room... You know, proof of coolness.

    It's nice of you to say so, though I look back and think, I really should be better at this than I am considering I've been at this for awhile. I feel like i'm just getting up to speed on a lot of this. I spent so much time just winging it, and not really having any idea of what I was actually doing, let alone what I was trying to do, and how to get it done. Bryan's site, and this forum in fact, have been of immense help. It's a much bigger pond, but I like it [img]/emoticons/emotion-1.gif[/img], and the interactive part is very, very useful. You can look at photography magazines for information, but I like this better, and so far, I've gotten more out of it.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Hi Colin

    No, not Andrea, but Bernata.

    Wow, thanks for nice post. That is some serious experience in photography! No wonder! This must be why my images sometimes still suck...I am so new at this[:'(] ...well, at least I hope that is it, because with time I may get better [:$]

    Do you use both of your cameras at the same time when you shoot? I currently have only 40D and at times I wish for a second body to put a second lens on (of course, greedy part of me want FF [:$] ) so that I could take different shots. Oh well, in the future...we have this thing called mortgage and two high maintenance dogs that complicate my hobby. At least I do not mind or rather insanely love my dogs. And they are ever so patient with my efforts at photography.

    Thanks again, you are always so nice and responsive.

  10. #30
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    Re: I do not want to start a riot...or be stoned to death...but question: anyone using both Canon and Nikon gear? .....

    Sorry BES (Bernata).

    I don't remember seeing any of your pictures that sucked. It's good to be critical of your own work, so that you keep learning, but also give yourself credit. That also helps to keep you going.

    I mean, in a way, we probably all have images that suck. Most every picture I take, at the time, seems worthwhile. Even ifwe elimited the shots that I simply screwed up the exposure, missed the focus, screwed up the depth of field, or the whole thing's just plain blurry, MOST of the pictures I take, when i look back at them a few days later, I wonder why I even bothered with that. It's somewhat of a slippery thing, translating the experience to the image. Some people are more talented, and take to it more quickly, but regardless, it takes time to get the hang of it, and even though the skill we try to accumulate gives us a higher success rate, failure between the successes are just part of the normal work flow. I continually see images here that expand my notion of what can be done, and what I might want to try. One of the really cool things about sharing on this forum is that we can leverage other people's experiences to build our own. You know, "hey, look at this image, what would you have done differently?" or "Wow, that's really cool, how did you do that?"

    Sucky pictures are just part of getting the good pictures. Being shy about taking sucky pictures gets in the way of getting the good pictures. I take a lot of sucky pictures. I try not to share too many of them, but I'm still developing my sense of taste as well []

    Most of the time, I have just my 5D. If I'm doing super telephoto or macro or stuff that benefits from a high frame rate, I use the 30D. If i'm taking pictures at a wedding, or graduation, or some event where I want to change lenses without changing lenses, I use both, usually with a zoom and a prime. it's handy, though kind of cumbersome. Really, if I could, I'd just have a friend using the other camera, and have some semblance of organization to cover what we wanted to cover.

    Actually, at the last wedding, I gave my friend my 24-105 to put on the XT I was loaning him, put the 70-200 on my 30D, and the 85 on my 5D. Between us and the other friend who was carrying around the 1DmkII with the 24-70 and a big flash with a difffusor, i think we probably did pretty well.

    Reminds me that I've got to ship some pictures soon. But, yeah, still took a lot of sucky pictures []

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