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Thread: Tell me what you think.

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Tell me what you think.

    Figures hey :P

    I'd say give her that one, then for your port make it the same colour as the dress or maybe just black in PS :P

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Tell me what you think.


    Great use of light!!

    What do I think? Well I imagine unless her Mom and Dad are into Nirvana or Marilyn Manson they're probably gonna get queezy. LOL.This photo evokes quite a bit of emotion and attitude, none that I would equate with a 17 yr old girl getting ready to graduate. I'm guessing she's Goth? LOL Wait, I don't see any black lipstick. LOL Oh well, I'm a middle aged 46 year old engineer. What do I know about teenage style. I agree with others, hat's got to go.

    On the lighting side of thingsa pale cool 1/4-1/2 CTB gel for the wall lightmight be interesting. I find color seperates. OR 3 lights. Add a blue rim rear left and turn down the wall light 1/2ev. That would give her some seperation from the wall and would fill the shadow of her headwith a little blue light. Just suggestions. The doging and burning helps but still can't build depth.

    An interesting and provocative style. Nice []

  3. #13

    Re: Tell me what you think.

    Chuck love the idea with theusing the blue rim light...justwish I had 3 lights instead of only 2. Im just getting into the realm of using flash instead of just ambient, so next time I will deffinitly have ot try out the gels.

    Just for alittle info on her, her name is Destiny.....may say alittle about the parents.


  4. #14

    Re: Tell me what you think.

    Oh another heads up (no pun intended) I just tried a quicky photochop. Seems like I have another photo with her head in the same posisiton without the hat. So sometime soon Im going to spend some time blending the hair from the two. But Ive got a wedding to shoot this weekend, rehersal is tommorow.


  5. #15

    Re: Tell me what you think.


    Ok another, Sry about that thing on her head[]. Same camera Same lights one behind one in front (umbrellaed). Some color change in photoshop

  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Tell me what you think.

    Vivitar 285HV - 89 USD All day long!! Yeah!! []

    Joel ........... it is your "Destiny"

    Got that one right... LOL

  7. #17

    Re: Tell me what you think.

    Is it worth it? I heard some negatives about the newer ones. Would also need another PW.

    Thanks for the info Chuck I will deffinitly check into it.


  8. #18
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Tell me what you think.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joel Bookhammer
    Is it worth it?

    Yes. I've bought four over the last year and use with cactus V2s triggers. Everything 's moded but that's the engineer in me. Here's my Vivitar mod.This past Saturday I did an antenna mod on the transmitter and I'm good to 75ft. Had a night assignment to shoot a large home. Triggers and flashes all performed extremely well. One of these days I'll graduate to cybersyncs from Paul C. Buff. In the mean time those 20 buck cactus triggers are gettin it done. I'm pretty rough on my equipment, and I'd rather bust a 90 buck flash than a 400 dollar one. Same goes for the triggers. So far the Vivitars (Made in China) and triggers (Made in China)are holding up great.

    Cheap is not always "cheap"

  9. #19

    Re: Tell me what you think.

    Great Job! I'm still learning the creativity of Canon flashes. I was thinking of getting the Pocket Wizard IIs to trigger my two flashes, but kinda pricey for each one.

    Anyhow, keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing more pics.

  10. #20

    Re: Tell me what you think.

    Can't say I was a big fanwhen I looked at the first pic, but after taking a closer look at the larger prints, they started growing on me... the hat too [:O] .

    Don't get me wrong, the lighting and quality of the pic was spot on... there was just something about that first pic that didn't didn'tshout HSSeniorPic to me... but I guess it was the this last pic that put it all into perspective with the whole Goth theme... I didn't see it at firstin the first picture but this second pic with the black wings, dark eye-liner,black necklace, quirky hat anddark, somewhat eerie backdrop justbroughtit alltogether. Guess my pre-concievedcanned themes blinded me for a sec...

    As you can tell, the second pic is my favorite... it has all the elements of a drawing you into the picture... she did a great job in the pose by 'barring' the way beyond. Herexpression is daring you to 'enter the darknessat your own risk'

    ...and you did a great job in composition, lighting, and pp.

    great job. I bet she's really happy with how they came out.

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