I think there's a good point in too much, too soon.

I think Daniel's list is very good for a starting photographer, but I'd suggest starting off with simply the...[*]$720 T1i body (excellent 15 MP sensor)[*]$130 18-55 IS kit lens (buy it in a kit with camera) [*]$250 55-250 IS

You'll come in under budget, but you can certainly fill that out quickly down the road, and apply it towards things you actually want, once you know how to use what you've already got, and as such, why you want the new stuff.

A 7D with a 28-135 combination, particularly as an only lens, seems a little weird. I'm one to talk. I started with a Rebel XT and a 28-135. I was happy with it, for awhile, until.... I really understood what else I could do with other options. Wide angle was the first, most obvious short-coming.