Welcome Chris,

My wife and I kind of sing the same song here as you do. We had taken the plunge into digital photography a while ago and after using 35mm film for a long while and we were quite confused with all the choices. In the end we bought the 50D with the kit lens 18 - 200, now the lens is not great for what I am after (we do a fair bit of portrait work & have done a few weddings) so I bought the 24 - 105 f/4 L.

Couldn't be happier with it, the extra length from the 24 - 70 suits me just fine and the f/4 is all I need, plus IS is a bonus. I also have the cheap nifty fifty which is cheap but it does produce really good images and that is it at the end of the day, great images. Over time I have purchased other things like flash, tripod batteriec cards etc etc but you need good glass to start it all off.

I am by far not up to the standard of some of these other guys and galls but what I have I love. Never be concerned about asking any type of question on this forum, everyone had to start from scratch at one point of there lives.

Hope this help you mate,
