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Thread: First Legit Senior Shoot. Rookie Mistake

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: First Legit Senior Shoot. Rookie Mistake

    Yeah I asked the owner about the flash issue and she said it was okay. However I had no way of testing it haha.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: First Legit Senior Shoot. Rookie Mistake

    Quote Originally Posted by Rodger
    However I had no way of testing it haha.

    I'd be willing to bet my life you won't forget your strobe next time! I'd say if you check less than 4 times to make sure you've packed it I'll be surprised. Not that photographers are usually the obsessive type, oh no not at all... (!)

    Good luck on the reshoot - smart move offering it - always the right thing to do, keep 'em happy and wanting more...

  3. #13

    Re: First Legit Senior Shoot. Rookie Mistake

    I once read that the most important piece of gear is the gear you have with you. When I was looking at them I was thinking to myself, "Dang, these would be superb with just a little more light on her face..." I think you did very well for what you had (and didn't have) with you... :-)

    The same occurred to me. The pictures look great, but just a little warm, as said

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