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Thread: EOS-1D Mark IV

  1. #21
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Johnston

    I have a new purpose in life, and it is to own a new 1D.

    All I have to do is sell my truck. [img]/emoticons/emotion-4.gif[/img]
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    Then he'd have thousands of great looking pictures of his back yard...because he doesn't have the means (or desire) to leave it!

  2. #22
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin
    Finally, an 1.3x sensor is found once again.

    I'm no expert on Nikon cameras, but, if I recall correctly the research I did (correct me if I'm wrong), in order to get high burst rates (frames/sec) on Nikons, you have to select a 1.5x image. You can't get 10 fps with the full-frame image. The 1D is for sports photographers, thus the emphasis on high burst rates and buffer capacity. The 1Ds is, of course, a full-frame camera for those who don't need the high speed bursts and want more pixels.
    George Slusher
    Lt Col, USAF (Ret)
    Eugene, OR

  3. #23
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Quote Originally Posted by peety3
    Canon has two different models with a full-frame sensor (one less expensive than the 1D, one more expensive)

    So true--5D Mk II @ $2700, 1D Mk III @ $3700 (Adorama shows $5,000 for the Mk IV), and a mind-blowing $6,114.95 for the 1Ds. (For about the same, you could get the 1D Mk III and the 5D Mk II.

    Quote Originally Posted by peety3
    There are four current models with 1.6x sensors
    (one in each line, from one-digit to four-digit), so pick one of those
    if that's what you want.

    There are actually 5 models: Rebel XS (1000D), XSi (450D), &amp; T1i (500D); 50D; 7D.

    George Slusher
    Lt Col, USAF (Ret)
    Eugene, OR

  4. #24
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Quote Originally Posted by George Slusher

    I'm no expert on Nikon cameras, but, if I recall correctly the research I did (correct me if I'm wrong), in order to get high burst rates (frames/sec) on Nikons, you have to select a 1.5x image. You can't get 10 fps with the full-frame image.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Here's the actual numbers:

    D3 full frame: 9 FPS

    D3 in 1.5X DX mode: 11 FPS

    D3s full frame: 11 FPS

  5. #25
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    OK, I looked up the Nikon cameras:

    Nikon D3x - FX (1x) - 24.5MP @ 5 fps; DX (1.5x) - 10 MP @ 7 fps - costs $8,000.

    Nikon D3 - FX - 12.1 MP @ 9 fps; DX, 5 MP (2784 x 1848) @ 11 fps - costs $5,000.

    compared to:

    Canon 1D Mk III - 1.3x - 10.1 MP 10 fps, costs $3,700

    Canon 1D Mk IV - 1.3x - 16.1 MP @ 10 fps, may cost $5,000

    and, for reference:

    Canon 1Ds Mk III - 1x - 24.1 MP @ 5 fps, cost $6,115

    I can't speak of the ergonomics, as I've not used any of those. I don't like the smaller Nikons for the same reason I don't like the Canon Rebels--too cramped. That's why I went for a (used) 30D and may replace it with a 50D early next year. (Gotta pay real estate taxes this fall!)

    George Slusher
    Lt Col, USAF (Ret)
    Eugene, OR

  6. #26
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning
    D3s full frame: 11 FPS

    I checked the Nikon page and it says 9 fps for FX, 11 fps for DX, like the D3. I'm not sure what the difference is between the D3 &amp; D3s, other than $200. I don't need to spend the time to find out, either. I ain't buyin' no Nikon, not with $7800 invested in Canon lenses (nearly all bought used), not counting the 5 I need to sell (paid $1800).

    Don't get me wrong--9 fps is very good, especially for those of us used to 5 fps (30D) or even 6.3 fps (50D) or 6.5 fps (40D). I doubt that +/- 1 fps is a "killer" factor in a sports photographer's buying decision.
    George Slusher
    Lt Col, USAF (Ret)
    Eugene, OR

  7. #27
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    <meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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    <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"]I'm disappointed too Benjamin. I
    would have expected to see a lot more exciting features for the 1D
    Mark IV. The one thing thats in the consumers corner is that the less
    expensive cameras (7D, 5D II) share a lot of the advancements as the top of the line pro camera minus the toughness and weather sealing. I can't afford to
    buy a 4,500 camera body plus I don't know if I'd buy something that
    expensive unless I was headed to Iraq, Mount Everest or something. This release by Canon still make me
    feel good about my recent 5D II purchase. Whats up with the crazy
    expanded ISO capability of 102,400!?!? I'd like to see what that
    looks like compared to the 5DII ISO 25,600. I bet its all hype like
    with the newest 60hz vs. 120hz vs. 240hz LCD TV's.

  8. #28
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Although the noise performance is yet to be revealed, just imagine what you can do with ISO 102400 at f/1.2...That top end ISO figure still impresses me.

    Even with noise, I'm sure any professional photojournalist is ready to take the picture and noise over no picture.

    The numbers look impressive, although I agree with posters like Benjamin - It would have been nice to see some fresher features in this new body.

    All in all, looks great to me. And just in time for Vancouver 2010. I'm sure a lot of the folks over at Getty and AP will be happy.

    Would I buy one? Nope. But I'm sure a lot of press and sports photographers will. Even if I had $4500 to spend. If I had that money, I'd get a 300 f/2.8 instead.

  9. #29
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    HMMM, in the last two years I have jumped from an XTI to a 50D. I fully realize that those of you shooting with a pro body or even a 5d or 5dII have a lot to question about the new 1d mk IV; with the 50D, i couldn't justify the cost of the new7D.From my standpoint, the 1DIV looks like everything I have been missing. Frame rate, weather sealing, metering system, AF system, high ISO, dual processorsand even a slightly larger sensor--not a full size, but better than what I haveat the moment.Yes, I would love to have a full size sensor but that comes at twice the price or will. Though I havn't seen any "real" reviews of this camera yet, on paper it looks like a camera I could be happy with for the next 3-5 years, and I would be more willing to pay for it than I would a 5dII or a 1dIII. Personally, I think Canon found a way to lure us crop body users into the pro market---good job Canon.

  10. #30
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    Re: EOS-1D Mark IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Fred Doane

    I'm curious what upgrades would have made you want to run out and buy one?
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Keep everything the 1D IV has already had, make it FF -- that's all I wanted. I know it's a sport camera for journalists, but I hate my 16-35 looks like a 21-45mm lens in the viewfinder.

    I'm not getting a 5D II cuz I don't think it can take much abuse. The autofocus is not sufficient and the speed is slow for what i need. I find that what's actually in my mind is something that close to the D3s... But you are right, you made a good point.

    I think what i will really do is to finish my university first, then my 50D will turn 3 and it will be time to find a mint 1Ds III and stick to it for a very, very long time. =)


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