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Thread: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

  1. #161

    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    Girlfriend was home for the weekend, figured I would go on a picnic and break out the 85 1.2

    Canon 40D, 85 1.2 at 1.2 midday under a pavilion.


  2. #162

    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    Awesome bokeh, magical rendering of colors ofcourse VERY sharp portrait.

    Wonderful pic Joel. Thanks for sharing.

  3. #163
    Senior Member
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    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    These are some of what I'd consider my best from recent senior portrait shoots. Watermarked only because they are senior pictures

    I forget the strobist info. Sorry.

    Comments/critiques welcome But these are already the final edits haha.

    Enjoy, and great shots everyone!


  4. #164

    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rodger
    Comments/critiques welcome
    Hi Rodger,

    I love the lighting and the shots in general for the first 2 pictures. It must have taken a lot of patience to get the dog facing the same way as the senior in the first pic, I just love it. I like the concept of the 3rd shot and the background but I would have liked to see the seniors eyes a little more and not have her feet cut off in the shot. Other then that I really like your work.


  5. #165
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    I agree....good stuff Rodger!

    And I'll contribute a couple from my last maternity shoot...

    You can click on them to see how they were lit and see others from the same shoot.

  6. #166
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    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    My favorites from senior pictures this yr, nice work as always Sean!

    Canon XTi Sigma 50-150mm

    65mm 1/400s f/4 ISO 100

    125mm 1/1250s f/2.8 ISO 100

    taken with 50mm f/1.8

    1/100s f/1.8 ISO 200, fill flash used

  7. #167
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    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    Thanks for the comments guys!

    Quote Originally Posted by Fred Doane
    It must have taken a lot of patience to get the dog facing the same way as the senior in the first pic, I just love it.

    Haha the shot with the dog is one of those that just kind of happened actually. The dog got excited and came running into the frame. She reacted with a smile and intinct had me snapping the photo. Everything kind of just came together to create one of my favorite frames from the shoot!

    Quote Originally Posted by Fred Doane
    I like the concept of the 3rd shot and the background but I would have liked to see the seniors eyes a little more and not have her feet cut off in the shot.

    Good point. Chopping feet off is something I have to work on. Or rather, not chopping feet off. Either way that sounded kind of morbid.. Halloween anyone? lol

    Sean, I envy your strobist info!! haha I'm on a school computer and they don't display embedded images [:@] I'll see your pictures when I get home. I'm sure they're amazing though! Question: Do you write down the info on each picture during a shoot? Or at least enough to give you an idea? I'm changing angles, lighting, exposure so much that it'd be a pain to write that down all the time. Just wondering.


  8. #168
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Savannah, GA

    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rodger
    Do you write down the info on each picture during a shoot? Or at least enough to give you an idea? I'm changing angles, lighting, exposure so much that it'd be a pain to write that down all the time.

    Nahh. I typically don't do a whole lot of diffent setups, and I usually keep the lighting fairly constant for that series until we move to a different location. I get the light dialed-in in the beginning and keep shooting with it fixed while making only minor adjustments along the way. As far as remembering the power of the flashes--it's 90% memory, and 10% analysis. Most of the time I remember what the power was, however, if I changedthe powerat some point through the series I'll compare it with the other pics to determine the exact flash output used on that particular shot.

    If I rememember to, I'll take a setup shot. Setup shots are important because a flash at 1/4 power shot through a modifier will look completely different depending on the distance from your subject. But, alas, most of the time I forget.

  9. #169
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    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Setters
    But, alas, most of the time I forget.

    Haha same. As my first year shooting anything for profit, I'm such a jumbled mess of adrenaline/nerves/excitement haha. Setup shots typically fall through the cracks. Oh welll.

    And I was right earlier. I love the first image! Very nice work Sean!


  10. #170
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Savannah, GA

    Re: Post Your Best Portrait Shots!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rodger
    And I was right earlier. I love the first image! Very nice work Sean!

    Really? Because I think I like the second one better.... :-)

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