Quote Originally Posted by wickerprints
I admit I have a bad case of Gear Acquisition Syndrome and I really want this one.
You are in good company! I havean advancedcase of G.A.S.
Quote Originally Posted by wickerprints
Actually, I want the 300/2.8L IS but at $4000+ and nearly 6 pounds of weight, I can't really do that.
Me too...and me too :-(
Quote Originally Posted by wickerprints
Please help me. I'm begging you.
You make some great points, especially for the purchase of the 300 f/4. It's an outstanding lens. If you REALLY think that you'll eventually buy the 300 f/2.8 then maybe it would be better to just continue to save. Remember though, L glass has unheard of value retention. You could buy the f/4 and sell it if you decided that you absolutely needed the f/2.8. You would probably only take a 10% or 15% hit after resale. Other than what I have already said, my only other advice would be not to EVER rent the 300 f/2.8 because I'm sure it would be impossible to not want to buy it then!!!