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Thread: Bare flash still looks a little harsh...How can I make it look better? [Light Modifiers]

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Bare flash still looks a little harsh...How can I make it look better? [Light Modifiers]

    Thanks, Sean! Neat primer.

  2. #12
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Savannah, GA

    Re: Bare flash still looks a little harsh...How can I make it look better? [Light Modifiers]

    Quote Originally Posted by Gian Luca

    <span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: 'Verdana','sans-serif'; color: black;"]Often I do not have a lot of time to set up my scene but I would really like to try to shoot as many times as possible with the flash off the camera. I have a 5dMII a 580 EX and a 540 EZ (not E-TTL).

    <span style="font-size: 9pt; font-family: 'Verdana','sans-serif'; color: black;"]I would like to buy the mini tt1 + 2 Flex tt5 in order to have a the TTL help to start with. (I need the European version for the Radio Licensee)

    I had a very long long reply typed up and ready to post--but when I reached to grab my mouse, I inadvertently hit the back button on the mouse, and my reply was gone. Damnit.

    So, the very short version--I strongly suggest you start out with cheaper radio triggers and adjust your flashes manually if you're just starting out. The experimentation will help you learn to light much better than if your camera was doing most of the thinking. When it comes to lighting, as with anything else, you learn more through failure than you do from success. It takes time, but it's worth it.

    As far as the new Pocketwizard Flex and Mini, I simply don't trust them--yet. The Flex and Mini represent Pocketwizard's first foray into ETTL. Radiopoppers, on the other hand, are on their second generation of ETTL triggering devices. Also, the RP units aren't susceptible to the RF noise emitted by the 580EX that plagues the PW Flex units. On the same token, however, I don't think RPs has a European version yet but I'm sure it's in the pipeline. There are members of this community that have purchased the new Pocketwizard units and like them. However, I suggest you research them thoroughly before making your decision. A good place to look would be the strobist discussion threads on flickr.

  3. #13

    Re: Bare flash still looks a little harsh...How can I make it look better? [Light Modifiers]

    Thank you very much for your help!!!

    I worked quite a lot with lights and flash in the studio. I have some equipment to use with the electricity for still life, but I am really interested to bring it with me all the time, and before to read your aricles I never considered that.

    The temptetion of ETTL is the ability to use it automatic if you do not have time, and manual when you can set and have time to learn (if I same something stupid forgive me)

    Thank you for your advice on Pocket Wizard, I did not know Radiopoppers and I will check if they are available in Europe.

    I will keep bothering you with my progression!!! (sorry)

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