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Thread: 300 f/4 IS + 1.4x vs. 400 f/5.6 on crop sensor

  1. #1

    300 f/4 IS + 1.4x vs. 400 f/5.6 on crop sensor

    I'm curious to know what the IQ differences are between these two options when using a crop sensor camera such as the 20D with 8MP. Does anybody have both of these lenses with an extender? The IQ differences when on the 1Ds Mark III are clear; 400 prime wins in sharpness hands down. Will the differences be similar when using a 20D? Or will it not be noticeable?


  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: 300 f/4 IS + 1.4x vs. 400 f/5.6 on crop sensor

    The 400 will win in image quality no matter what you mount it on. However, the 300 w/ TC will give you IS.

  3. #3
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    Boston, MA

    Re: 300 f/4 IS + 1.4x vs. 400 f/5.6 on crop sensor

    If you will mount it on a tripod, the 400mm. If you need to hand-hold it, 300mm + 1.4 TC. The better IQ of the 400mm will not help if you've got shake-induced blur.

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