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Thread: Disaster Struck

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Disaster Struck

    <p class="MsoNormal"]Hi all &ndash; I am asking for some serious help as to what could
    have gone so wrong.
    <p class="MsoNoSpacing"]<o>I was asked to shoot another ballet recital.<span> Last time I used a Rebel xti with my
    24-70L.<span> Most shots were at iso 1600,
    1/125 f/2.8.<span> I<span> was able to sharpen and correct the noise
    well in DPP to print 8x10&rsquo;s.</o>
    <p class="MsoNoSpacing"]This year I had upgraded to a 50D (a few 1000 pictures
    old), same lens plus a 50 1.4 and 70-200 IS 2.8 (with monopod).<span> Changing lights, some colored, some very dark
    scenes. <span>All my shots are slightly out of
    focus.<span> This never happened before.<span> What could have happened?<span> What can I do now?
    <p class="MsoNoSpacing"]Here are 4 shot as examples, resized in DPP to jpeg with max noise reduction.


    Focus Point = right hip, 1/160 70-200 f/2.8 @ 85mm f/4.0, iso =1600 (small crop)


    Focus Point = 3rd girl from left, 1/200 50 f/1.4 @ 3.5, iso =1600


    Focus Point = left hip, 1/250 50 f/1.4 @ 2.5, iso =1600[img]/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/[/img]

    Focus Point = Center ladies nose, 1/125 50 f/1.4 @ 1.8, iso =3200

  2. #2
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Savannah, GA

    Re: Disaster Struck

    Max noise reduction? Back that off substantially for a start (that can soften images significantly). Other posters will have other suggestions, but let's start with that.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Disaster Struck

    Thank you. Just did and adjusted the temperature. Just look so grainy compared to what my Rebel shot.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Disaster Struck

    If you want to e-mail a RAW file, I'll be happy to take a closer look. Here are some suggestions from afar.

    In DPP, the RAW tab has a slider for sharpness. My 5d MKII needs very little to look crisp, but my 1D MKII takes a bunch of sharpening. Start thereand see if you can improve things.

    In Photoshop, "Enhance-Adjust Sharpness" will allow you some more sharpening of the jpg files. For me, things reverse here. The images form the 5D MKII will take a bunch of sharpening, if required and the 1D doesn't get much better. I like to start with the Gausian Blur function set at about 3-5 pixels and the "morerefined" box checked.

  5. #5

    Re: Disaster Struck

    Hopefully the suggestions people give will be enough to make the shots worthy of pride.

    to the how? Well, you said it's the same lens. If that lens took any
    impact in the last year that can easily throw the focus a bit soft. Heck, even normal use CAN throw them out if there's an underlying weakness. Maybe your 20-200 took a knock, and you have a miss-calibrated 50 1.4? Start with the 50mm, and see if you can micro-adjust it into sharpness at 1.4.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Disaster Struck

    Those pics don't help much =). Can you post 100% or greater crops to show what you mean?

    I agree, how ever the noise reduction is handling things is probably the culprit.

  7. #7

    Re: Disaster Struck

    The 50mm 1.4 can be soft out of the box, especially at that aperture. I sent mine to Canon service for recalibration, while it was still under warranty, and it came back perfect.

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