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Thread: 1D mark iv image quality against 5D2

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Re: 1D mark iv image quality against 5D2

    Hi George,

    I havetwo questions for you. Is noise the only problem with your 50D? Are your images well composed, exposed, focused and processed? Please post a few samples and we can tell you what you need, whether you need a new camera or you just need to know more about photography (composition, exposure etc..) []. Beginners tend to think "my camera sucks, it gives crappy results, I wish I have a better camera so I can make better images". []

  2. #2

    Re: 1D mark iv image quality against 5D2

    <h2>Here are some of my best recent photos in Greece.[img]/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/[/img][img]/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/[/img]</h2>

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Re: 1D mark iv image quality against 5D2

    I thought you would be interested to read this;page=2

  4. #4

    Re: 1D mark iv image quality against 5D2

    Hello, thanks for your interest firstly. Well, i am not a beginner actually, i am 3 years now in bird photography mainly. There are still things i must learn, but i believe i know how to capture a nice photo. I mainly shoot birds as i said, and other wildlife, much less landscapes and even less people. When i shoot birds and other wildlife, i shoot them in raw always. The others in jpeg only. Also, i use the Av, to change the aperture only. My captures are usually at f/8, rarely more than 8, and can shoot even at f/5,6 when needed. One shot or AI Servo most times, ISO varies, mostly 400 and try to avoid go more than that because noise begins to get apparent. I will shoot at ISO 200 when i can so, (i try to get speeds 1/800 0r 1/1000 at least with my 400 f/5,6). WB mostly in auto, when cloudy or shade i will change it.

    I have some pictures in my profile, but i can't post them unfortunately, i don't know how...Please check them. All shoot with my 50D and the 400 f/5,6L, and they came out of the camera (only sharpness at level 3). I had a problem with the lens also, i think it needs microadjustment. Images look a little soft.

    Anyway, i want an other body so much, because i think is much better to get i high quality photo and use programs like photoshop as less as possible. I actually want to make just sharpen to my images. Now, i have to sharpen and reduce noise, which is also a boring activity, and sometimes results are not the best.

  5. #5
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    Re: 1D mark iv image quality against 5D2


    Curious, but why in the world would you shoot in JPEG only for anything? You do know that RAW can be converted, no? If you are going to choose a storage file type as your only one, in my humble opinion, it should be RAW. If you decide to eschew the convenience of RAW+JPEG in order to save space, it certainly makes more sense to dump the JPEGs.

    As far as the 7D, even though you've said you'd not consider it, it is the most obvious, logical camera for what you've explicitly stated are your typical targets. What, exactly, is your rationale for not even looking at it seriously? Don't you want the best performance available for the images you intend to capture? I sure do.

    P.S. Make sure, when posting your images, that you keep the maximum width at 800 or less. That way we can see the whole picture. I typically don't set height, and allow it to be determined by the width and native aspect ratio of the image I post. It is also commonly accepted practice to provide the following information so that others may learn from the results:

    Camera body, lens, focal length, f/number, shutter speed, ISO, hand-held/tripod/monopod, and any post-processing you may have done before posting.

  6. #6

    Re: 1D mark iv image quality against 5D2

    Because some subjects are not so important for me, so i don't want to keep large files for those. Bird photos are a different story, and because i want to have the original image, i keep the raw and play with jpeg later.

    As for 7D, it may be a good camera, and if i didn't have the 50D i may think about it. Now, i don't think that is a right solution to sell my 50D and buy a 7D. It's not a large improvement, i will just buy a little better camera. But getting 1D 4, i think then i am getting in an other level. DXO Markmakes a comparison about most camera bodies. Check that. 7D is not a big step from 50D, (one friend of mine which has it also told me that), 5D2 and 1D4 are far better in ISO performance. I think that taking a body like 1D4 with 1,3x and if it is as good as 5D2 in image quality and ISO performance, i can get very good images with my 400 f/5,6L and then my next goal will be the ultimate 500mm f/4L IS. Getting the 7D will improve my images slightly and later i will think of taking a better body again. And i don't want that.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Re: 1D mark iv image quality against 5D2

    You are incorrect on a lot of points George:

    Quote Originally Posted by George Spiridakis
    Now, i don't think that is a right solution to sell my 50D and buy a 7D. It's not a large improvement, i will just buy a little better camera.


    Quote Originally Posted by George Spiridakis
    DXO Markmakes a comparison about most camera bodies. Check that. 7D is not a big step from 50D

    Incorrect. DXOmark data does not support your position at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by George Spiridakis
    5D2 and 1D4 are far better in ISO performance.

    Again incorrect. The 7D is slightly better than the 5D2 in ISO performance for birding.

    I would have been happy to go into more detail about why you are wrong on so many counts, but there's no point explaining it to someone who wont listen.

  8. #8
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Re: 1D mark iv image quality against 5D2

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning

    but there's no point explaining it to someone who wont listen.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    I have been there and you still explain things to me, LOL.


  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: 1D mark iv image quality against 5D2

    Quote Originally Posted by clemmb
    I have been there and you still explain things to me, LOL.

    [] That was back when the economy was good and words were inexpensive. At today's prices, I can barely afford two-sentence paragraphs, so I have to be more careful how I spend them. []

  10. #10

    Re: 1D mark iv image quality against 5D2

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning

    I would have been happy to go into more detail about why you are wrong on so many counts, but there's no point explaining it to someone who wont listen.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Daniel, I think you should explain it again, regardless, since we can all benefit from it, and it might end up changing George's mind.

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