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Thread: T2i or 7D

  1. #11

    Re: T2i or 7D

    I agree, the 70-200/f4 should do well saves a ton of money unless you that extra stop of light. Most cases you don't.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: T2i or 7D

    The 20d had a much larger body than the T2i, my hand is too large to comfortably grip the Rebels.

    Don't believe everything you hear about getting a better lens. As long as you stop it down a bit,your lens will our resolve the sensor of any current digital camera. Certainly, "L" lenses have better construction, faster autofocus, and are sharper at wide apertures and the edges, and have less CAbut at F8, there is not much difference in sharpness among them. IS is a great feature for those who move their camera around when photographing still objects. A high shutter speed also fixes that.

    Now that I've said that, if you do purchase "L" lenses, they do not seem to depreciate in value over the years like a body does, so its not likke buying a body that will lose most of its value in 5 years. In 5 years, your "L"lens may very well appreciate in value.

    The actual sensor IQ of bodies has not really improved that much. a 8mp 20d will take excellent images. a 5D MK II has the same pixel density as your 20D, just a larger sensor.There are some useful features on the 7D, like that large bright viewfinder and large bright LCD on the rear, and the improved autofocus. However, if you are going to spend that much, also consider a good used 1D MK III for around $1900-$2000. They are far better overall than the 7D. Another thought is to upgrade to a used 5D or a new 5D MK II.

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    Re: T2i or 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by scalesusa
    Don't believe everything you hear about getting a better lens. As long as you stop it down a bit,your lens will our resolve the sensor of any current digital camera. Certainly, "L" lenses have better construction, faster autofocus, and are sharper at wide apertures and the edges, and have less CAbut at F8, there is not much difference in sharpness among them. IS is a great feature for those who move their camera around when photographing still objects. A high shutter speed also fixes that.

    Yeah you might wanna take every picture at F8 minimum and with a shutterspeed of 1/500 to compensate for the loss of IS. You're probably going to shoot full time at iso 3200+

    Should be worth it I guess...[] No really I don't get it at all, that would be very frustrating! And you would probably be better of with a high level point and shoot.

    I second Daniels opinion.

  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    Re: T2i or 7D

    I just clicked the 'quick reply'... I too have a 20D and perhaps I am on a mission. It is not the back, it is the front. The front end of the system is the mission. Focus on the lens and the rest follows. I am not disappointed with the camera body with my focus being on the lens. The rest is detail that can be argued about later. Good luck!

  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Re: T2i or 7D

    Quote Originally Posted by bburns223

    Denise, you said that your T1i was "slow and small". The T2i is both of those things, the 7D is in a whole other class of camera. Believe me, you made the right decision. The 7D is a huge step up for you, I'll think you'll benefit from it more than a T2i.

    Good Luck!


    Well, I have had a total of maybe 2 hours to try out my new 7D & 17-55mm lens but in that short amount of time I was in complete heaven!! Wow, what a difference! Granted, the 7D is alittle heavier & the grip area is a tad bigger than what my hands wouldbe really comfortable with but with that comes a much more solid feeling camera. I haven't had time to start reading the book yet and this most definitely is a learning curve for me but I am going to be enjoying every minute of the challenge! This camera is much faster than the T1i was and with the new lens, things are looking much better! All I have right now is photos of my dogs but hopefully this weekend, I'll get outside with it.


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