Congrats Rodger!That is a great shot.

I'm finding that a huge thing to being a working photog is throw out the ego (not saying you have one). If people like you, you are timely and do a decent job, you will get work. I hear so much about people sick of pompous arrogant photographer just being general prima donnas.

So be humble and do your best. Also be confident but don't take on work that is outside of your range.Even if your best isn't the best someone will give you a chance if they like you and you work hard.

And definitely have an online portfolio. A nice business card is good too. I see so many photographers with really bad business cards. Every photographer thinks they are an artist (some are and some aren't) and can do their own ads and collateral, some should buck up and admit they need help in this area and find someone who will do design work on trade.