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Thread: wide angle

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: wide angle

    Quote Originally Posted by adrian mandea
    you are right, but can you tell me please how can i do that while in the store?

    Can't you return items over there, if there is a problem? I had bought my Sigma from amazon and, given that I was not happy, I returned it and got a full refund, no questions asked. Most stores here would do that too.

    Quote Originally Posted by adrian mandea
    what am i supposed to look for? sharpness? distortions?

    Generally, sharpness.

    Quote Originally Posted by adrian mandea
    without even knowing it.

    Oh, you will know...

    Quote Originally Posted by adrian mandea
    thank you guys for all the answers and sorry if my english isn't good enough but it is not my first language.

    No need to apologize at all; your English is fine! (and it's not my first language either!)


    PS Is it possible to somwhow send me a private message through the forum? I can point you to some of the shots I had taken with the soft Sigma to give you examples of what to look out for... I don't want to publish the link in case all my bandwidth disappears...

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: wide angle

    Quote Originally Posted by varok
    I'd recommend the Tokina 12-24 f/4. Very sharp, costs less than the 10-22 and is built like a tank.

    I did consider the Tokina too. But, the difference between 10mm and 12mm is actually not trivial. Look here for a nice comparison (top of page 2). So, in the end, I opted for the wider lens...


  3. #13
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: wide angle

    can anyone tell me how to send private message?

    and how to post pictures?

    thank you Tony for the pictures, now i understand what can be wrong with a lens. i have to check my 17-85 now.....

  4. #14

    Re: wide angle

    Katy the 10-22 is a great lens and with the ultra wides a tripod should not be anissue unless shooting at night...IE long exposure

  5. #15
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: wide angle

    A friend of mine has the Tokina 12-24, and swears by it. It never leaves his 20D, and it's pretty sharp wide open. He was looking for the same UWA as you, went to Keeble and Shuchat in NorCal, and one of the sales reps told him the Tokina was unmatched for price and quality, verses the Canon 10-22, or Sigma.

  6. #16

    Re: wide angle

    true enough the tokins is an excellant lens in terms of quality and image capture but gicing up 20% angel of view is a lot when your looking for an ultra wide on a crop body...the differnce of those 2mm is very significant

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