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Thread: Baseball action shot

  1. #1
    Senior Member iND's Avatar
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    Jan 2009

    Baseball action shot

    Ok you are standing on the third base side of the field next to the third base coach. It is getting dark out but you need to capture the action of the the player on second base sliding into third. So he is coming AT you. You set speed at 250 or higher to stop the action, the ISO is already pushed to 500 and you need f2.8 to get the exposure right.

    Problem: The depth of field is short and the acton is coming towards you. All day yoiu have been getting great pictures with a center focus point. You are set at Al Servo and have to get this shot right.

    Do you change to multiple focus points and risk loosing the sharp focus on your subject or do you try to track the subject with the center focal point.

    Or do you have another suggestion?

  2. #2
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Baseball action shot

    What body do you have? If it's a 7D or 1-series, AI Servo should have no problem with this scenario - as long as you're on high-speed drive, just press the shutter button. If you have a Rebel, try to track with the center focus point, or if you have time to prepare, manually focus on the baseline about 4 feet from the bag, and start firing as the runner approaches.

  3. #3
    Senior Member iND's Avatar
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    Re: Baseball action shot

    I have a 50D.

    The runner is leaving second

    Choice one: Pick a single focus point and try to track the subject. What happens when I loose him/her off the single focus point. Is it locked from the first exposure of rapid fire?

    Choice two: Pick multiple focus points and loose the sharpness due to the narrow depth of field.

    Does Al Servo lock on the subject even if the focus point moves off it?

  4. #4
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Boston, MA

    Re: Baseball action shot

    Quote Originally Posted by iND
    Does Al Servo lock on the subject even if the focus point moves off it?

    Yes, that's the point of AI Servo. The subject still has to be 'under' one of the focus points, though. On the 50D, I believe, you need to start AI Servo tracking with the center AF point. I know with the 7D, you can start tracking with any of them.

  5. #5

    Re: Baseball action shot

    Two Suggestions:

    1) if your only interested in the action at 3rd base then focus and 3rd base and turn off autofocus

    2) If your using a 40D or higher then you should have no trouble with accurate tracking. I've used my 40D in exactly the same situation center focus point with a 70-200 f2.8 iso 3200 at f2.8 and 1/400. Use noise Ninja and go higher than 500 Iso. By the way. Nothing, I Mean Nothing (perhaps the Mark IV) focuses faster or more accurately than my old 1D at $384.00 it is by far my cheapest camera and runs rings around my 40D and 1DIIn. Never change to multiple focus points unless you want the crystal clear expression of the short stop watching the slide into 3rd.

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