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Thread: Check out my Webpage

  1. #1
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Check out my Webpage

    I finally got my Zenfolio webpage up and running and although I did set up a product and price list I am not selling/spamming to you folks, Just looking for some feedback on the webpage. Zenfolio does offer digital selling and licenses as well, but I haven't set that up yet. I do have some particular questions for those that take a look:

    1. I don't have much of a collection yet, only 33 pics, should I leave them all in one gallery or break them up by catagory?

    2. How do you like the overall presentation of the webpage---is it pleasing to look at and surf?

    3. To frame or not to frame---with the dark background, should I frame the photos?

    4. Is the watermark necessary, Does it distract from the photo?

    5. If you see any shots that I should remove from the collection, please let me know---remember I am still a newbie, but one that appreciates constructive criticism [Y] [N]

    My next step in this project is to write the "about" section--this is tough, and ..... I plan to put a content page of resources together and you can bet that The-Digital-Picture will be at the top of the list.

    Thanks to all for your wizdom and guidance.



  2. #2
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    Re: Check out my Webpage

    Awesome! Absolutely breathtaking photos and the website is great! [Y]

    I took a peek at your bio and saw you've only been doing this since 07!? I hope it only takes me that long to get 1/2 that good!

    Eventually, I think you should catagorize ....birds, landscape, etc. Might want to wait until you have a few more in each category you make but not wait too long. Probably be easier to do early on.

    My favorites are your coyote photos!! What lens did you use for those? I am actually considering purchasing a few for my rec room.


  3. #3
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    Re: Check out my Webpage

    Nice! I also got one running recently as well ( After a quick look, I like it! Nice colours on the main page, with the red, grey and white - I think it works nicely. And rocking nature images help, too. []

    You may want to split up your images according to their content. For instance, you can set up the site like this:

    - Home

    - Images/Portfolio
    • Landscapes
    • Wildlife
    • Events (If you do them)
    • Portraits (If you do them)

    - About Page

    - Contact

    - Links/Other

    This sort of set up may work, and then you can make specific galleries for trips ("Trip to Yellowstone 2010", "Africa 2010", etc...). That way you can feature your images from those trips on the site, and, if you really like certain images, you can add them to your Landscape or Wildlife portfolio section.

    Watermarks? I don't use them right now on Zenfolio. I suppose it is a matter of personal taste. Since my work is mainly coverage of events for non-profit organizations, I don't watermark my images hosted on the site. Do they distract from the image? I think I can fully appreciate your images even with the watermarks in place - But that's just me. When I shoot sporting events like hockey and speed skating, I watermark them though.

    I think a frame adds a bit of style to your images. I use a dark grey frame on my site and I think it looks nice. I think it sort of gives the image its place on the page.

    By the way, if you didn't call yourself a "newbie", you would have completely fooled me. Your images are great. My favorite? "Spring in Canyon De Shelly". The profile, the colours, the simplicity... Something about just "rocks".

    Keep up the good work!

  4. #4
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    Re: Check out my Webpage

    I like it alot, i also have Zenfolio and have everything set up...

    tell me what you think, how did you get your own logo at the top????

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Re: Check out my Webpage

    Hey Bob, I just have to say: pretty awesome pictures!!! [Y]

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    1. I don't have much of a collection yet, only 33 pics, should I leave them all in one gallery or break them up by catagory?

    For now I would do that and start new threads for newer submissions by date or category or location or whatever.

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    2. How do you like the overall presentation of the webpage---is it pleasing to look at and surf?

    Yup I like that! Good use of colors. I do think it's a bit annoying that the menu is below the picture in the homepage. The rest is good. Also you might want to think of what you want with comments and guestbooks. You've got a guestbook on your mainpage, but also on the subpages/galleries. Also there is still the ability to comment on either of your pictures. Is that what you want?

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    3. To frame or not to frame---with the dark background, should I frame the photos?

    Hmmm not really necessary I think. The blacks frame pretty good.

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    4. Is the watermark necessary, Does it distract from the photo?

    I don't like it at all, but it's more about what you want. Is your main goal to sell the pictures? Then leave it there. Is your main goal to show your shots then remove it or replace it to a bottomcorner. At least that's what I think.

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    5. If you see any shots that I should remove from the collection, please let me know---remember I am still a newbie, but one that appreciates constructive criticism [img]/emoticons/emotion-21.gif[/img] [img]/emoticons/emotion-45.gif[/img]

    My least favorite is the white bird in flight with the blue background. It looks a bit soft/out of focus. But hear me: my least FAVORITE [:P]

    Yea yea newbie, I think you're pretty much past that phase [] But I love the attitude!

    Overall opinion: Very nice! I bet it looks even better in a short period of time! Good luck with it!


  6. #6
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Check out my Webpage

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    Eventually, I think you should catagorize ....birds, landscape, etc. Might want to wait until you have a few more in each category you make but not wait too long. Probably be easier to do early on.

    My favorites are your coyote photos!! What lens did you use for those? I am actually considering purchasing a few for my rec room.

    Thanks for the look and the Kind comments Denise. The Wolf pictures were shot with a 50D and a 100-400L (these are my only pics of captive animals) We have a wolf sanctuary about 70 miles from my house. These guys were either Timber Wolves or Arctic Wolves, or so I was told by the staff.

    I agree with you about the menu on the homepage. I was able to change the location on all subsequent pages but was unable to relocate it on the homepage without reformating the whole thing.

    I did have the photos sorted by catagory at first, but there didn't seem to be enough in any one catagory. As I build the collection I will add and sort by catgory.

    Thanks again for your comments.


  7. #7
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Check out my Webpage

    Jan, Great Comments, Thanks for taking a look and the time to offer suggestions, It is very much appreciated.

    1. I'll start new catagories when I get more displayable shots---3 years, 12000 shots and I only have 33 I am willing to display to the public.

    2. I manged to remove some of the redundancy, especially in regards to the guest book entries---Great suggestion

    3. I can't relocate the front page menu without changing the layout---But I wish I could---your right.

    4. Watermarks removed--for the moment.

    5. Got rid of the sandhill crane in flight-(white bird, blue background). I didn't like that shot either---thanks.

    Thanks Again, Your comments, as well as some of the others is making this a much better site.



  8. #8
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Check out my Webpage

    Quote Originally Posted by mpphoto12
    tell me what you think, how did you get your own logo at the top????

    Mat, very nice webpage, Love the layout and the photo's

    As far as the Logo------got to the "customize webpage" section then select "site settings" at the top right hand corner. Then Select "remove zenfolio branding". from the home page. This will automatically move your logo to where the Zenfolio brand was located.----remember, you have to be a "premium" member to get rid the zenfolio brand.



  9. #9
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Central New Mexico

    Re: Check out my Webpage

    Quote Originally Posted by alexniedra

    You may want to split up your images according to their content. For instance, you can set up the site like this:

    - Home

    - Images/Portfolio
    • Landscapes
    • Wildlife
    • Events (If you do them)
    • Portraits (If you do them)

    Alex, As I add a few more shots, I will definitely add catagories--I tried this at first but it just didn't seem right with only a few shots in each catagory. Also, I really like your idea of "places/Time" catagories and will certainly give that a shot as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexniedra

    Watermarks removed---for the moment

    Quote Originally Posted by alexniedra
    By the way, if you didn't call yourself a "newbie", you would have completely fooled me. Your images are great. My favorite? "Spring in Canyon De Shelly". The profile, the colours, the simplicity... Something about just "rocks".

    Thanks a bunch for the kind words. The shot of Canyon De Shelly is actually a "pseudo-HDR" shot----One shot processed through HDR software. I did this because I blew out the top right of the sky---so I had to do someelementary PS work and run it through Photomatix. I am also partially color blind so I tend to oversaturate many of my shots so that I can see the colors. Even with all of that, the shot is basically as I remember seeing, vivid red rocks and the yellow spring trees.

    Thanks for the suggestions and support,



  10. #10

    Re: Check out my Webpage

    Very nice site! I especially like the picture of the elk. They are amazing animals and not easy to photograph. Since many people are posting links to their sites, here is a link to my site. ;-)

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