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Thread: Point & Shoot Camera Suggestions

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    Re: Point & Shoot Camera Suggestions

    Well Braden, it looks like there are a few good suggestions here already and with a lot of different specifications.

    I don't have any good advice on these cameras, also since specifications are very varied and depending on personal needs like zoom, lens-apertures and usability, but I can say that dpreview did a few reviews on these cameras. I'm sure the Canon S90 was reviewed, and I'm pretty sure you could find more reviews that might be helpfull to you.

    Good luck with finding the right one for you!


  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Point & Shoot Camera Suggestions

    I like the Leica M9 paired with a 35 or 50mm lens. Or if you don't want to spend ~15,000 you could get the Canon G11 for around 500

  3. #13
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Point & Shoot Camera Suggestions

    Thanks for all the replies. When I started searching reviews online, every review site had completely different favorites from the other. I will certainly add those listed here to my research list.

    If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know.


  4. #14
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Point & Shoot Camera Suggestions

    I just ordered an underwater point and shoot, the Sony DSC TX5 (man, the names of these things are like license plates). I usually haul my DLSR and 2-3 lenses, tripod, and all the extras with me on the weekends. I wanted something that could fit into my wallet, take decent HD video (720p is fine for me), be able to take panoramas that does the stitching in camera), can shoot 10 fps, can shoot somewhat decently in low light, can do in camera 2-shot HDR, and what the heck, have the ability to take it in the pool or snorkeling.

    Now if this camera I ordered does all of this as many review articles have pointed out, I'll be more than happy.

  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Point & Shoot Camera Suggestions

    Canon S90 as well is my suggestion. I have the Fuji f100d (discontinued), have gotten amazing shots out of it and generally have always favoured Fuji P&S cameras. It's successor the F80EXR is a pretty good camera from what I've read and is cheaper than the S90.

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