Hey Marty

Quote Originally Posted by Marty
Am I missing something here? Am I evaluating the lenses incorrectly or are they both OK at this type of outdoor work?

Yea, you've got to see something better first before seeing the flaws of other lenses [] For most users, both lenses you tried are as good as they need. For pixel-peepers and aperture-lovers like me it is another story [] My advice, don't trade your kit-lens for the 17-85, it isn't worth it. The only benefit I see is the focal-length difference, but that's all. And I could name a few negatives sides as well if I wanted [A]

Quote Originally Posted by Marty
I should mention that I am planning on getting the 100 Macro lens for sure.

Do that! That's a really great lens and it might give your more insight on what differences there are in lenses and what you could and want to expect from them. You'll really enjoy this lens.

My advice: don't buy anything untill you know the basics. If you can understand the basics like exposure, aperture, shutterspeed, contrast and you know how to use the manual and AV/TV modes you can see what you're missing in your set. Untill that time it isn't advisable to trade your kit-lens (which is a great lens looking at the price and what you can do with it) for something that you've read that would be "better".

I know my advices are now somewhat opposites, but with the 100mm macro you really can't go wrong, I loved it when I bought it and since that day I didn't stop loving it for a moment! []

Good luck shooting Marty and hopefully we'll see some great pictures soon!
