First of all: GREAT SHOT!! I'm a bit of an airplane-fan so I always like photos of em.

Quote Originally Posted by g0_command0
Some may find it boring though but I really like it for some reason

Probably the same reason why a lot of people here have a hard time telling their relatives they want to buy expensive gear, they don't get it [:P] Explain to your girlfriend what is so beautiful about a specific car etc etc...

Quote Originally Posted by g0_command0
Hi all, I am always looking for input on composition, lighting,etc... so i would like to present one picture that I recently took that i like

I like pretty much everything except for the harsh reflection on the propellor. It makes the propellor "pop-out" and my guess is that that isn't your intended main-subject. If you could do anything about that so the plane itself gets more credit in the photo it would do a lot of good in my opinion.
