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Thread: what to get?

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Riverside, CA

    Re: what to get?

    Quote Originally Posted by cxr
    deciding between the f4 IS or f2.8 IS Mark II. If I could justify the price of the f2.8 IS Mark II, i might be tempted to get that.

    I can't tell you if you can "justify" it , but I think the pros and cons are pretty clear

    Cons: weight, price

    Pros: work in half as much light, narrower DOF/increased background blur. (There are also af advantages to f/2.8, but IMO that is a minor issue).

    I think it depends heavily on what you shoot (and how easily you can part with the money, of course).

    I use the f/2.8 II on the 5DII, and I really like the narrow DOF for portraits. On the 5DII, it is equivalent to about 45-125 f/1.75 on a crop body, so you're getting the speed and IQ of a prime used on an APS-C with the versatility of a zoom in a range that is- at least for me- ideal for portraits.

    On the other hand, full frame f/4 is already very usable and it is much cheaper, and you're giving up little to nothing up in terms of IQ. If you're shooting in good light and don't need the narrow DOF, f/4 may be the way to go.

  2. #22

    Re: what to get?

    thanks guys! all of these will reallyhelp me to decide which 70-200 to get. I would say I can't go wrong eitherof the two ( f4 IS or f2.8 IS mark II). thanks again!

  3. #23

    Re: what to get?

    hi again guys! last question...get the24-70(upgrade from 24-105)& 70-200 f4 IS or 70-200 f2.8 IS Mark II?Basically, I just want to have atleast 1 fast lens and just realized that the price of 70-200 f2.8 IS Mark II in my placeis the same with the 24-70 + 70-200 f4 IS.What is the best way to go? Thanks guys!

  4. #24
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Boston, MA

    Re: what to get?

    Quote Originally Posted by cxr
    the price of 70-200 f2.8 IS Mark II in my placeis the same with the 24-70 + 70-200 f4 IS.What is the best way to go?

    I guess that comes down to 1) which focal length range you'd get the most from f/2.8 and 2) whether you find IS to be a benefit on the 24-105mm f/4L.

    On FF, the 70-200mm range is very nice for portraits - so if you do a fair bit of that, you'll benefit from f/2.8 there. The 24-70mm is more of an event shooting lens.

  5. #25
    Senior Member
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    Re: what to get?

    I'd say the f4 non is is the best value, but prefer the is version for more keepers and sharper images.

    For indoor sports or in low light, it will not do the job. Even f2.8 is often not fast enough when you get moving subjects in low light and need high shutter speeds. For those cases, I use fast primes.

  6. #26

    Re: what to get?

    took the plunge...went for the 70-200 f2.8 IS II USM...amazing lens! super sharp and very fast AF. worth the price and even the weight. thank you guys for all the suggestions and opinion. thanks!

  7. #27
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Boston, MA

    Re: what to get?

    Quote Originally Posted by cxr

    took the plunge...went for the 70-200 f2.8 IS II USM...amazing lens! super sharp and very fast AF. worth the price and even the weight. thank you guys for all the suggestions and opinion. thanks!

    Congrats! Enjoy your new purchase - it's truly an amazing lens!

  8. #28
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    Re: what to get?

    Have fun and enjoy it!

  9. #29
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: what to get?

    Enjoy the lens! Post some pics when you process them!

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