Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist

Quote Originally Posted by Brendan7
Which is why the 500 is a more logical choice, but f/2.8 is a plus and the 300 is more handholdable.

Are Joel's amazing shots with his 300mm f/2.8L + 1.4x II Extender having any impact on your thoughts here? Those are certainly some wonderful images, although he's also got quite a setup with the blind, etc.

Behind Joel's house there is a huge wooded area and he has a HUGE advantage over me in terms of number of birds (I see a woodpecker in my yard every other month or so) and available perches. BTW Joel wishes he got the 500.

The 300 2.8 is also $2000 cheaper, let's not forget that [I]

But I think I'll pick the 500 because although it is a great lens, I don't shoot sports and I'd stop it down too often for it to be a legitimate purchase, especially for $3000 more.

so yeah. 500 it is for now.