Hey mate!

Quote Originally Posted by zacotton
Typically I shoot scenery/landscape shots, so more often than not I'm outdoors with it.

Then what exactly do you need the long focal range for? Could you post an example photo where the 200mm wasn't enough?

There are a few things:

the 100-400L is in my opinion a brutal lens, very good for hiking and photographing wildlife etc. However it is pretty big (much bigger than your 70-200 []) and the price is not that small either.

The 75-300 I can't really comment on since I don't have any experience with it. But read this (quote from Bryan's review):A 70-200 L lens with theCanon Extender 1.4x IIresulted in better image quality than the Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM Lens alone.

Hope that takes care of one dilemma []

An 1.4 extender on your lens might do the trick, but you'll get an aperture of f5.6 and an effective range of maximum 280mm. You need to add a bit of shutterspeed or ISO to adjust for BOTH factors if you want to shoot handheld...think about that.

In short terms: I don't know if the 80mm extra focal length would suit your needs, but if so...the extender could be the best option for you. Else you might get to get used to the shortage and crop a lot [] Sometimes you need to take it as it is.

I'm sure that if you had the money to buy an 800mm lens you'd also find times where you wouldn't have enough focal length.

Hope I helped a bit and didn't make it even harder []

Good luck and enjoy your time here,
