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Thread: Best 2nd lens

  1. #11
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Best 2nd lens

    Quote Originally Posted by ElCid52
    I will probably be in the stands

    That means 'sneaker zoom' is going to be a problem, so a zoom will allow a lot more flexibility on framing your shots than a prime.

    Quote Originally Posted by ElCid52
    Will the 70-200mm f/2.8L be enough to get good pictures in the low light of the gym...?

    Depends on the gym. An f/4 lens will very likely not work, an f/2.8 might, might not. It would do ok at a Pro or Division I/II college game, which are lit for television coverage. A typical high school gym is not well lit.

    If you're not set on buying the lens immediately (i.e. if you can go to another game with your current gear), do your research directly. Set the 55-250 to 85mm and see what the framing is like from your seat. Try 135mm. Try the 70-200mm range. That's the 'focal length research' we've mentioned. You can also do 'aperture research' in a couple of different ways. First you need to determine the maximum ISO that you're comfortable using (in terms of image noise) on your XSi - let's say that's ISO 400 (it might be something else for you - I've never shot with an XSi). You can set the17-55mm to f/2.8 (Av mode)and ISO 400 and determine the best metered shutter speed you can get in the lighting of the gym. You can also use the 55-250mm lens - at >150mm it's f/5.6, so if you push the ISO to 1600 (and your comfort level is 400, two stops lower), then you can ignore the noise and see if you can stop the action as you want (ISO 1600 at f/5.6 is equivalent to ISO 400 at f/2.8).

    You'll probably need a shutter speed of 1/500 s to completely stop player motion, but 1/250 s might be sufficient. Some motion in a shot can be ok (arms, legs, the ball) to show action, and 1/125 will likely be enough to stop body/head motion. Also, keep in mind that with the 70-200mm f/2.8, you'll likely need a shutter speed of around 1/320 s to eliminate camera shake at the long end of the zoom range.

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Re: Best 2nd lens


    I will have to wait a little while to do the research but then that gives me some more time to save up and buy a better lens (or lens combination). Basketball starts soon so I will wait and do the research then. I am betting that the 85 mm f1.8 will be right but I will test it to be sure. For right now, I am thinking that I will probably go with the 70-200 f/4.0L IS and the 85mm f/1.8 combination. This gives me a good range for outdoor shots and wildlife and I will have the 85mm for indoor sports. I was thinking that the 70-200 f/2.8 would be best but the IS sounds really good and they both have similar picture quality. The 70-200 f/2.8L IS is just too expensive so I have to decide which is best; the 70-200 f/2.8 non IS or the 70-200 f/4.0 with IS. They are both the pretty much same price so that isn't really the determining factor. Since I will be shooting mostly outdoors with this lens and in decent light I thought that the f/4.0 with IS was best because it would allow me to take better shots with slower shutter speeds, and being outdoors it should still do a great job on any sporting events that I might take it to. I know I am still very new to this so does this sound about right?

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008
    The Netherlands

    Re: Best 2nd lens

    Quote Originally Posted by ElCid52
    I know I am still very new to this so does this sound about right?

    Sounds like a good call to me!

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