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Thread: Post your favorite Airplane shots

  1. #41
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    Re: Post your favorite Airplane shots

    Sheiky, I love that A-10 picture that you took. It's a beautiful shot!

    Here's one in flight that I took Memorial Day weekend, this year at The Jones Beach Air Show, in NY.

    EOS-7D, EF-300mm 2.8L with 1.4X Converter at 420mm @ f/4.5 and1/2000Sec. ISO 200


    Here's a Blue Angel Banking:

    Same Set-up as above. 420mm @f/4 and 1/800sec.,2/3 Exp. Comp. ISO 125


    Blue Angels: Mirror Image

    420mm @f/5.0, 1/800sec., +2/3 Exp. Comp, ISO 100


    A Helicopter should not do this. Kids don't try this at home.

    Red Bull Helicopter: 420mm @f/11 and 1/250sec., +2/3 Exp. Comp, ISO 100


    Geico: Near Miss or Near Hit, depending on whether you're an Optimist or a Pessimist.

    420mm @ f/5.0 and 1/640sec., +1and 1/3 Exp. Comp, ISO 100 (I believe it's a touch overexposed).




  2. #42
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    Re: Post your favorite Airplane shots

    Great shots Jim and Rich! Thanks for the comment Rich, it's also still one of my favorites. I've actually never seen an A-10 in flight. They don't come to the Netherlands that often unfortunately.

    This year the Dutch Airshow was at Gilze-Rijen AB and I rented a 7D and 100-400 for this day. Unfortunately the weather really sucked(grey is keyword) and the 7D was not working with me. (worse photos ever, 9/10 where very soft the other 1 was acceptably soft [:P]The 100-400 proved much better on my 5D even with it's slower AF, next time better) I shot on AV-mode because the weather and lightingconditions were changing constantly. There was 1 show where the camera didn't even focus at all since it was a plain grey sky with a plain grey plane in front of it [:O]

    Also the flares seemed to be a big problem for the AF, everytime they used flares my AF flipped and I got nothing more than some nice bokeh [:P]

    Anyway there are a few I want to show.

    -Belgian F-16 solo display

    400mm f5.6 ISO200 1/500

    -Belgian F-16 solo display throwing some flares

    400mm f5.6 ISO200 1/1600

    -(Tsjechian or Hungarian) Saab Jas-39 Gripen solo display

    400mm f5.6 ISO400 1/2500

    - Dutch Apache and F-16 solo displays flying by together

    170mm f8 ISO100 1/250

    -Dutch Apache solo displays first performance ever, shooting flares while making a looping

    300mm f5.6 ISO400 1/2500

    -Dutch Eurocopter Cougar MKII carrying luggage for a troop deployment later on

    235mm f6.3 ISO100 1/250

    -Royal Jordanian Falcons

    260mm f5.6 ISO100 1/400

    Well I guess better luck next time!

    Thanks for watching, all comments are welcome.


  3. #43
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    Re: Post your favorite Airplane shots

    Great shots everyone!

    Jan, going to the previous page, do they regularly blow up your country side at airshows? []

    Here are my 2 contributions of Marine 1 during Obama's time in Toronto for the G20. I can't seem to find my older aircraft shots[]

    2: Note the sniper team on the brewery

  4. #44
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    Re: Post your favorite Airplane shots

    Quote Originally Posted by mikehillman89
    Jan, going to the previous page, do they regularly blow up your country side at airshows? [img]/emoticons/emotion-1.gif[/img]

    Well there's only one show nationwide and it's only 1 time a year, 2 days, but twice the same or almost the same program. There are 250.000 visitors when you sum up both days. And yes every year they blow stuff up. Of course these detonated explosions, but they are kind of big anyway. It's all part of a show called "Airpower Demo". It's a Dutch show where they stage the attack on enemy ground forces. So first there will be 2 "scout" F-16s flying across from both sides at maximum speed(of course they have to limit on these days [:P]) ...explosions... After that some apache choppers will cover ground...rounds of gunfire and explosions... Then Some troops and supplies get dropped by Cougars and Chinooks and "the enemy"gets arrested or whatever. After that a transportation plane, mostly Hercules, drops in to fly troops and equipment out. Choppers get out and at last the Apaches leave.

    Anyway it's a pretty cool thing to watch with a lot of noise and big explosions, but I still prefer the solo-demos and teamdemonstrations.

    It's also very very hard to get to the front to watch this all, because it's massively popular among children and really everyone else [:P]

    And I just wanted to show you guys this:

    There are a lot of people walking with amazing gear on these days. I mean a 100-400 isn't noticed anymore between all the big white lenses, but this one wasn't ignorable [:P]

  5. #45
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    Re: Post your favorite Airplane shots

    wonder ful info

  6. #46
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    Re: Post your favorite Airplane shots

    Hi Jim,

    Thanks for resurrecting this thread! I really liked your second photo, the contrast and resolution of the plane against that dark blue sky looks amazing. I had a Circular Polarizing filter with me but I didn't use it. I think I'll try it next year.

    Did you have a chance to compare any shots with and without the filter? I struggled shooting into the bright sunlight most of the day.

    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for the comment as well. I liked your third (Jet-Wash) and the last two pictures best, surprisingly the gray skies in your last 2 shots works for me. I think the darker gray skies adds some mystery, as opposed to a light gray blown out sky. Did you play up the darker gray sky in post proceesing, because I like the effect.

    I'm surprised that you had problems focusing with the 7D, besides the flare problems, perhaps there was a defect, or a setting miscue in the autofocus, because I have to say that my aouto focus hits on the 7D were about 95 out of 100 successful.


  7. #47
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    Re: Post your favorite Airplane shots

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Lane

    Hi Jim! Thanks for resurrecting this thread!

    +1 [Y]

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Lane
    surprisingly the gray skies in your last 2 shots works for me. I think the darker gray skies adds some mystery, as opposed to a light gray blown out sky. Did you play up the darker gray sky in post proceesing, because I like the effect.

    Nope all my photos are straight of camera since I can't really enjoy editing them [:P] The contrasty sky also works for me. Those 2 are about the only 2 photos the entire day where I didn't mind the grey sky [:#]

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Lane
    I'm surprised that you had problems focusing with the 7D, besides the flare problems, perhaps there was a defect, or a setting miscue in the autofocus, because I have to say that my aouto focus hits on the 7D were about 95 out of 100 successful.

    Yea well I'll never know cause it was a rental, but I my expectations where thrown down the drain that's for sure. Next year I'll probably rent a 100-400 or a 400mm+ prime on my 5D. And well I can't blame the camera for the flare-problem. I can imagine that happen, but it's annoying [:P] Anyway I'm up for some new photos!

  8. #48
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    Re: Post your favorite Airplane shots

    jan, i like the shots you took with the gray sky, especially the couger and the jordanians, the dark and light really sets off the contrast and gives it an eerie aura that i really like.[]

    mike, your 2nd shot of marine one is great[:P], i love the sniper team on the roof in the background, lets you know its really obama in the blackhawk.

    richard..thanks for the praise [], that B-25 shot is one of my favorites from that days shooting, i shot a whole string of him flying by, and that one was the best shot by far, and no, i didnt take the polarizer off all morning i was there, so i didnt have a chance to compare, but, depending on which way i was facing in the sky relative to the suns position, the sky changed shades quite drastically, and that was without me rotating my filter, but i agree, the dark blue sky definatly lookes great behind the B-25.

  9. #49
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    Re: Post your favorite Airplane shots

    That's quite classy of that guy with the big lens. He might as well hire a guy to hold it up for him haha.

    Thanks jim! I was talking with RCMP officers about sniper teams and he told me they were all over the place and that he would give me $20 if I could find 5 of them... I searched for a while from inside the building where I took the Marine1 shots (9th floor overlooking the convention centre) and only found 2 after like an hours worth of shooting and viewing...

    I love the flex in the rotorblades in the shots as well, it stands out more in the 1st one. It continues to amaze me how strong and amazing aeronautical stuff is... tear...

  10. #50
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    Re: Post your favorite Airplane shots

    Quote Originally Posted by lynx0069
    jan, i like the shots you took with the gray sky, especially the couger and the jordanians, the dark and light really sets off the contrast and gives it an eerie aura that i really like.[img]/emoticons/emotion-5.gif[/img]

    Thanks, I agree on that.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikehillman89
    That's quite classy of that guy with the big lens. He might as well hire a guy to hold it up for him haha.

    It's actually an 800mm on a 1Ds3. He was handholding it all the time...but I still think most of the times 800mm was a bit too long. Especially with the hazy sky ruining the more distant shots. I'm thinking of renting a 400 or 500mm prime next year. That focal distance should be great for 9/10 shots...

    Btw I didn't even notice the Sniper team the first time I saw the picture...[A]

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