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Thread: Canon DSLR for beginners... help pls :(

  1. #21
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    Re: Canon DSLR for beginners... help pls :(

    A quote, the final verdict, from Bryan's review on the Tamron:

    In the Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II Lens, we have avery useful tool. Since it issmall and light, we cantake it everywhere. Since it isfast(f/2.8), we can use it inlow lightandindoors- andto stop action. Since it hasvery good image quality, we can use it for important shots. This list along with a nicegeneral-purpose focal length rangefills the requirements of a huge range of photographic opportunities (I'll let you think of them). For the price, the Tamron 17-50 is abargain lens.

  2. #22

    Re: Canon DSLR for beginners... help pls :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Bujji

    jus a thought... how abt the 18-200mm and 50mm f/1.8

    does it cover my needs?

    1.8 for indoor and 18-200 for general purpose...

    will it be a good choice?

    A lens with that kind of range is very versatile but you're giving up on the image quality and it is quite slow (high aperture value).

    When you don't have any funds coming in in the near future for better glass I would recommend Jan's (Shelky) route. The Tamron is great value!

  3. #23
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    Re: Canon DSLR for beginners... help pls :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Bujji

    i like to shoot tiny things ( the macro mode on my powershot has been very satisfying ), portraits n landscape.

    This might be raising the hurdle a little too high for someone just learning dslr, but just had to throw my 2cents in from my personal experience []

    Another cheap macro alternative: 50mm f/1.8 + Kenko Extension Tube Set Total: ~$270

    As opposed to: 60mm f/2.8 Total: ~410

    You have the benefit of being able to have the 50mm f/1.8 for nice indoor portraits, as well as having macro capabilities by mounting the extension tubes with the 50mm []

    Here's some examples with the 50mm f/1.8+Kenko Extension Tubes: The flower is less than a size of a dime.



  4. #24
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    Re: Canon DSLR for beginners... help pls :(

    Although I would also throw in there and say that macro shooting with this set up can be very difficult for those without steady hands.

    The depth of field (the range that the lens is in focus) is RIDICULOUSLY THIN. And I'm talking a matter of a cm moving forward and back and you will be entirely out of focus.

    The autofocus is pretty much unusable, so you have to manually rock back and forth to get it in focus.

    Does anyone have experience with autofocus on the 60mm macro? Is it a bit easier to handle?

    Also, not to get into anything too technical, just know that if you are serious about getting into Macro photography, a speedlight will be VERY essential down the line. So you will probably need to set aside a budget for that as well. So if you are tight in the wallet, it wouldn't hurt to save a little where ever you can!!

    Just tryin' to save you some money! []

  5. #25
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    Re: Canon DSLR for beginners... help pls :(

    ont think i'll be able to get a 1000D without 18-55, in my place that is, they are kinda a package deal i guess.... if i order from some foreign dealer the shipping cost is half the price of 18-55 ... so im stufk with that lens....

    from wat u guys suggest i am gonna take the tamron 17-50 and the 50mm 1.8(the price is jus too tempting and ofcourse the aperture as well).

    jus one last query (hopefully)

    am i wasting a lens by getting an 18-55 and 17-50 ?... coz the range is practically the same, the only diff is the constant aperture... so will both the lenses be useful for diff purposes?...


    if i can manage to find the extension tube im definitely for it

  6. #26
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    Re: Canon DSLR for beginners... help pls :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Bujji
    am i wasting a lens by getting an 18-55 and 17-50 ?... coz the range is practically the same, the only diff is the constant aperture...

    I don't see a point in having both. If the 18-55mm is the non-IS version, there's definitely no point in having both. Even if it has IS, you'll probably not want to carry both, and find yourself using the 17-50mm only. You might be able to sell the 18-55mm lens to make back a little cash.

  7. #27
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    Re: Canon DSLR for beginners... help pls :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Bujji

    from wat u guys suggest i am gonna take the tamron 17-50 and the 50mm 1.8(the price is jus too tempting and ofcourse the aperture as well).

    Remember that there are two types of Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 out there.

    • Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II LD IF
    • Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II LD IF VC

    The VC lens has Image Stabilization and more expensive. Although having Image Stabilization is a plus, from the reviews from this forum, the added VC seemed to have slightly lowered the image quality of the lens.

    Personally my indoor shots typically include moving candid shots which the image stabilization is no help (since it doesn't hold my friends still [:P]) So I went for the cheaper non-VC version which has better image quality. But if you are hoping to do landscape photography in low light conditions outdoors it may be beneficial. But then again for the price difference between the two lenses you can also get a nice tripod which has become an essential for my photography! []

  8. #28
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    Re: Canon DSLR for beginners... help pls :(

    From bryan's review

    "You should be aware that there are potential issues with third party lenses.
    Since Tamron reverse engineers (vs. licenses) manufacturer AF routines,
    there is always the possibility that a new body might not support an older third party lens."

    should i be worried abt this?

    and for the future,i might need a long range lens, which is better canon 55-250 or tamron 70-300 (review not available)


    selling it only gives half the price, which is not worth the effort of searching for a buyer and i did find a body only deal but again price diff is not so much, i've decided to keep the kit lens, btw it does have IS


    the VC lens is not available anyway []

  9. #29
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    Re: Canon DSLR for beginners... help pls :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Bujji
    the VC lens is not available anyway [img]/emoticons/emotion-2.gif[/img]

    I was also not mentioning the VC lens, sorry for not being clear.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bujji
    selling it only gives half the price, which is not worth the effort of searching for a buyer and i did find a body only deal but again price diff is not so much, i've decided to keep the kit lens, btw it does have IS

    Well nah just keep the 18-55 as a back-up lens. If it does have IS, you might want to use it in times you would need the IS. But honestly I doubt you'd ever use it if you see the differences.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bujji
    am i wasting a lens by getting an 18-55 and 17-50 ?... coz the range is practically the same, the only diff is the constant aperture... so will both the lenses be useful for diff purposes?...

    So no, you're definitely not wasting anything since you can't buy the body alone. You've got no better plan.

    Oh and to be clear the Tamron doesn't give just a constant aperture. There are much more differences! Build-quality is much higher, colors and contrast are better, AF is better made and the use of manual focus is available (it is there, but it's very poor on the 18-55). Anyway it's just better in practically every aspect.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bujji

    "You should be aware that there are potential issues with third party lenses.
    Since Tamron reverse engineers (vs. licenses) manufacturer AF routines,
    there is always the possibility that a new body might not support an older third party lens."

    should i be worried abt this?

    Nah not at all! Since you're buying from a local dealer you can return your product within 7days? if you don't like it at all or if it doesn't function(it will function []). If anything is mechanically wrong you get a much longer warranty than the Canon products: 6 years vs 1 Canon year.

    Nah you're pretty safe. I personally have had the lens and I was very pleased with it and so are many more users. It just gives you a lot more for the money than you'll ever get from Canon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bujji
    and for the future,i might need a long range lens, which is better canon 55-250 or tamron 70-300 (review not available)

    Touch question, both are optically not really good. I only know the Tamron and it's absolutely not sharp until f8-f11 and so very hard to use without pushing ISO or lowering shutterspeed. It also has quite some lens-effects like chromatic aberrations.

    I have no clue how the Canon 55-250 works because I've never used it. Just practice a lot with your new camera and see what you really want and then dig into the theory and reviews. Then ask the question again and it will be a lot easier to answer.

    Good luck!


  10. #30
    Junior Member
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    Re: Canon DSLR for beginners... help pls :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky

    Quote Originally Posted by Bujji
    the VC lens is not available anyway [img]/emoticons/emotion-2.gif[/img]

    I was also not mentioning the VC lens, sorry for not being clear.

    when i read the review i was wondering why ppl are suggesting this lens, then after lookin at the comparision chart i realised it must be the non VC you were referring to []

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky
    Just practice a lot with your new camera and see what you really want and then dig into the theory and reviews. Then ask the question again and it will be a lot easier to answer.

    guess u r rite, be ready to be pestured again after a few months [:P]

    finally i've decided wat i want... yipeeeeeeeeeee []


    -&gt;tamron 17-50mm non vc

    -&gt;canon 50mm 1.8

    (im still open to suggestions [] )

    thank you soooooooooo much guys &gt;&lt; []

    i'll post my first shot in this forum []

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