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Thread: New Lens Recommendations Wanted

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Re: New Lens Recommendations Wanted

    Hi Bob -

    The 100L F2.8 IS Macro lens is awesome! You would not regret purchasing it! I have a variety of different lenses and this is definitely one of my favorites. I won't repeat what everyone has already said about it but just want to stress how versatile of a lens it is. Also, macro photography, whether you are photographing plants, insects or whatever itis just plainfun!To get up close to insects and observe them is challenging and very interesting's just alot cooler than I imagined it would be!

    Good luck with your decision!


  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Re: New Lens Recommendations Wanted

    I'm in favor of the 100mm L as well, better yet I ordered one myself last week to replace my old 100mm macro, but they are out of stock here so I'll have to wait []

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    My only hesitation is that I really like the feel of L lenses with the metal barrels. But by all accounts I have read, no one has been dissapointed with the buld quality and feel of the plastic barrel of this lens.

    Well I have thought about the 135L myself as well, but since I like to go outside and shoot whenever whatever, I kinda missed the weather-sealing on that lens. In other words: for nature, wildlife, outdoorsy I rather prefer a high quality plastic lens with IS and weather-sealing over a metal-barreled lens.

    Have fun with it [H]


  3. #13
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: New Lens Recommendations Wanted

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

    I shoot with a 7D, I currently have a 10-22, 24-105L and a 100-400L.

    I am considering:

    The 100L F2.8 Macro

    The 135 L F2.0

    The 180 L F3.f Macro

    Hi Bob,

    I have the 7D and the three lenses in your kit, and also the 100mm L Macro - I can assure you that it's a great addition to your kit. It pairs well with the 7D, too - the AI Servo AF mode on the 7D has mode that's a higher precision AF that's automatically activated when you use a (Canon) macro lens - so, the IS on the lens stabilizes angular and lateral movements, and the AI Servo II mode compensates for on-axis movements when shooting macro handheld.

    I'll also second Denise's statement that it's a versatile lens - I've gotten great portraits with it, in addition to the macro uses. I posted these examples one of Jan's threads, but they are relevant here - they were taken within a few minutes of each other, with the 100mm L Macro.

    Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
    My only hesitation is that I really like the feel of L lenses with the metal barrels.

    FYI, the barrel of your 24-105mm f/4L IS is engineering plastic, just like the 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS. The 100mm L Macro definitely feels like an L lens.

    Good luck with your decision!


  4. #14

    Re: New Lens Recommendations Wanted

    I'm all for the 100L, but can I ask why you haven't bought any fast primes up until this point? (28 1.8, sigma 30 1.4, 50 1.4/1.8, 85 1.8). L Disease? Only shooting outdoor in good light? All have very nice apertures and are at least as sharp as your current glass stopped down a bit. You've spent so much on some amazing zoom lenses (all of which I have and love) but didn't even get a nifty fifty along the way.

    Instead of the 100L, you could consider the ef-s 60 macro. I really liked that lens and only upgraded to the 100 non-L when I went FF recently. It's a lot cheaper and also about half the size or smaller than the 100 options. IS is great but I've never thought it was would be that huge of an advantage for macro. At macro magnification even the slightest breeze shows up as pretty significant subject motion on flowers for example. It also won't make focusing that much easier since I find handheld macro focusing has a lot to do with your forward/backward motion which the 100L's IS doesn't account for. I'm sure it's good for completely stationary objects since macro requires so much light, but that still doesn't seem worth it to me. Maybe I'm missing something that makes it worth the added costs. To me it seems like you have a big whole in your kit (fast primes) that I'd rather see you spend that extra money on, but that depends largely on your photography needs. 60 macro + 50 1.4 or 85 1.8 would be money and camera bag space better spent in my mind.

    I stress the size of the 60 because I personally rarely go out intending to shoot macro. It happens, but a lot of macro stuff also comes from having my macro lens in my kit when I went out on a nice day. This is easier done with the 60, but then again if you're lugging the 100-400L around then size and weight probably aren't much of a concern :P


  5. #15
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: New Lens Recommendations Wanted

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning

    The 180 macro is a good consideration too, but I've never used it. It gives you more working distance, which is critical especially for outdoors stuff, but without I.S. you might find that you can't stop down enough, even in sunlight. (For 1:1 at 180mm on a 7D, I'm pretty sure I would need at least 1/500 just to get a 25% keeper rate).

    Great point Daniel, Thanks for pointing that out-- I haven't given the increased exposure requirements 1:1 shooting, much thought. In this case the IS on the 100 would definetly come in handy.---

  6. #16
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: New Lens Recommendations Wanted

    Quote Originally Posted by StapledPhoto
    but can I ask why you haven't bought any fast primes up until this point?

    Well, When I first started about 3 years ago, My primary interest was wildlife, so I first rented the 100 to 400, fell in love with it and ultimately bought it. The came the need for a general walk around lens-hence the 24-105. Then the urge for an ultra wide angle---So I bought the 10-22--though this one is a lot of fun, I really haven't used it much.

    Quote Originally Posted by StapledPhoto
    L Disease

    Well of course, But not really. It just seems that the L's tend to meet my needs at the time I am able to buy. I have also had cheap non-Ls (kit Lens and 75-300) which left me very dissapointed. If you can show me a non L that is extremely sharp, fast, weather sealed and fantastic build quality for half the price, I would certainly be willing to give ita shot. Actually, the weather sealing is very important to me since I find myself in the rain, snow or blowing dust fairly often.

    Quote Originally Posted by StapledPhoto
    Instead of the 100L, you could consider the ef-s 60 macro

    Well, A few reasons. The 100 meets the needs I mentioned before and also has a greater working distance than the 60.Even though I havethe 10-22,I am trying to stay away from Ef-S lenses in the future because I do plan to by the 1DIV one of these days.

    Quote Originally Posted by StapledPhoto
    This is easier done with the 60, but then again if you're lugging the 100-400L around then size and weight probably aren't much of a concern :P

    Well, Your right, I am used to lugging a heavy lens, But my truck is usually close by. If I plan on walking long distances, I just focus on my intended subject matter and reduce my load accordingly.

    Yoni, Thanks for your input, It certainly gave me a lot to consider and I appreciate that.


  7. #17
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: New Lens Recommendations Wanted

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    The 100L F2.8 IS Macro lens is awesome! You would not regret purchasing it

    Now Thas what I want to hear.

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    Also, macro photography, whether you are photographing plants, insects or whatever itis just plainfun!To get up close to insects and observe them is challenging and very interesting's just alot cooler than I imagined it would be!

    Though I haven't done any yet, I think your right Denise, I just sounds like fun----And you get a good portrait lens to boot.

  8. #18
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    Re: New Lens Recommendations Wanted

    I had the EF-S 60 and sold it to get the 100L. 100L is hands down a better choice. As a portrait lens I found the EF-S 60 to be way too soft. 100L provides more working distance and is an excellent portrait lens. I use it on a 5D mostly and occasionally on a 40D. I opted for the Canon tripod ring which was very pricey when compared to the China knock offs but the quality is excellent. Build quality of 100L is VG, feels a lot like my 24-105 f/4L.

  9. #19
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: New Lens Recommendations Wanted

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
    the AI Servo AF mode on the 7D has mode that's a higher precision AF that's automatically activated when you use a (Canon) macro lens

    I missed that in the reading, Now, I have to pull out owners manual and read up on this.

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
    the barrel of your 24-105mm f/4L IS is engineering plastic, just like the 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS. The 100mm L Macro definitely feels like an L lens.

    I would have never known---If the 100L feels like my 24-105---Then I will definitely be satisfied with it. I love the feel and the weight of the 24-105.

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist

    I'll also second Denise's statement that it's a versatile lens - I've gotten great portraits with it, in addition to the macro uses. I posted these examples one of Jan's threads, but they are relevant here - they were taken within a few minutes of each other, with the 100mm L Macro.

    These are very Nice Shots, I like the Bokeh in the butterfly shot and the portrait (both model and picture quality is gorgeous).

    John, I definitely appreciate your input as well as the input of all of the others. You, Denise, Daniel and the rest have certainly helped cement my decision. I plan on ordering the lenstoday or tomorrow and maybe by next weekend I'll have some shots that National Geographic will pay top dollar for[:O]. Well we can always wish.

    Thanks again for your insightful response. As always, it is greatly appreciated.



  10. #20
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: New Lens Recommendations Wanted

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Wertman
    I had the EF-S 60 and sold it to get the 100L. 100L is hands down a better choice.

    Thanks Tom, Thats what I am hoping for---and according to you and most others, that is what I'll get.

    Thanks again, Bob

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