Quote Originally Posted by darklord

Thanks for all these replies. To make it clear, I'm a guy with a regular day job trying to pick up photography as a hobby. To this couple, it is between me and Uncle Bob holding a point and shoot with a pop up flash, and I'm sure Uncle Bob will be shooting beside me as well on that day. For the price they are paying me and after gas and batteries, working in Macdonald's is a more profitable proposition. Of course that won't absolve me of anything if disaster happens but it is what it is. If not for nothing, you've all convinced me the importance of scouting and planning, for that I thank you all.

I guess my only comment here is if you're doing it as a hobby, keep doing it as a hobby. If it were me, don't do the job for less than street price, or at least $15/hour for travel time, shooting time, and editing time (which I'd estimate as twice the time spent shooting). You deserve a few bucks towards your equipment, insurance, new gear fund, etc.

Quote Originally Posted by darklord

I'll be there 90 minutes early on that day to check out the lighting of the hall and plan the spots where formals should be taken. My backup gear is the T2i+70-200 f2.8 IS+430 EXII, and five batteries between the two set of gears.

With a 1Ds2 and a 24-70, you're somewhat off the hook, but I always advocate a spare lens that's wide enough to cover any shot you might need. Things happen...I was just reading some stories on a blog...

Quote Originally Posted by darklord

With my limited experience, my plan is to play the percentage, take as many shots and in as many different settings as possible. Also, I plan to shadow the bride and include her in most if not all of the shots and hope that by the end a handful of the shots will be keepers for this couple to remember this day by. And I hope I can also add some shots to my portfolio from this gig as well.

Get the shoes, get the rings, get the flowers, and have the spare gear handy for candids from across the room.

Quote Originally Posted by darklord

This the "plan" I come up, it's simple but we all have to start somewhere. If you have advice to help a rookie like me plan that is within my ability, I'm all ears, thanks.
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Decent start for this stage of the game.