Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning
The 60D is a lot better: only f/6.8 and faster are completely camera-limited. Between f/6.8 and f/19, the resolution is limited by a combination of lens and camera. Anything slower than f/19 is fully camera limited.

So the 60D's DLA is f/6.8. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that meant that 6.8 was the narrowest you could go without incurring a DLA "penalty" - anything tighter than 6.8 you'd see image (pixel-level) degradation. But you say "only 6.8 and faster are completely camera-limited."

I can't pretend I understand the phenomenon completely; have I misunderstood your post?

When Bryan and others include a DLA spec in their reviews, aren't they saying (basically), "Here's the narrowest f/stop you can shoot at without seeing the effects of diffraction"?

Thanks Daniel!