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Thread: Portrait Photography - My Frustration Level is Peaking!

  1. #21
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Portrait Photography - My Frustration Level is Peaking!

    Denise, found this video a while back that may give you some ideas...

    Portrait Single Light

    Hope your trek gets better!

  2. #22
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Kenosha, WI

    Re: Portrait Photography - My Frustration Level is Peaking!

    Quote Originally Posted by deltasun

    Denise, found this video a while back that may give you some ideas...

    Portrait Single Light

    Thanks for the link was cool to actually see the different effects from the lighting.

    Quote Originally Posted by deltasun

    Hope your trek gets better!

    Well, tonight we took a number of shots again and ...woohoo!! It wentMUCH better! Everything worked right off the bat and no unwanted shadows anywhere!!Things aren't as good as many I've seen posted here but at least I feel like I'm on the right track! I used my Lumodi Beauty Dish this time with a diffuser sock over itand I didn't have it up as high on the stand as I didthe softbox last night. Just slightly higher than her. That is probably what helped with eliminating the chin shadow on her neck. I also used another speedlight on a stand to her left.

    I wish she would let me post pics! []

    Thanks so much to everyone for all there suggestions! Using a combination of all of them has really helped me tremendously!


  3. #23
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Melbourne, FL

    Re: Portrait Photography - My Frustration Level is Peaking!

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    It sounds like for what you are shooting you want a nice soft flattering light.

    Exactly! Eventually, I was hoping to learn how to get shadow where I want it like on one side of the face rather than where I DON'T want it like on the backdrop or a shadow of her chin on her neck!

    We usually only get a chance to do this when it's late at night but this weekend I am hoping to do it during the day to use more of the natural light but tonight I did use your advice and put the stand with the softbox much closer to her than I was doing before and it did work out much better. Thanks, Keith

    Glad I could help.

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