Quote Originally Posted by MrGreenBug
I guess the tricky part was having tungsten as main light, cloudy daylight on right (it had floor to ceiling window walls), and some patches of fluorescent light.

That's definitely a tricky lighting situation. The only thing you're missing is some fill flash, to throw yet another color temperature into the mix... [:P]

That's exactly the sort of situation where I'd throw a WB reference into a test shot for later.

Quote Originally Posted by MrGreenBug
Here's the 'cooled' photo (I think this is better):

I like it better, too. I'm a big fan of getting the WB right, that was one of the main reasons I switch to RAW - so I could adjust WB in post without penalty.

You can certainly do a custom WB on site, but if you're shooting in RAW, IMO it's easier to just do it in post. I think the only times I'd set an in-camera custom WB would be if I was going to shoot jpgs indoors - but I don't ever shoot JPG (even my P&S - an S95 - shoots in RAW). Else, I just find it easier to tweak in post.