Thanks, Rich. I believe that
Thanks, Rich. I believe that
thanks Joel! those are good suggestions. I know my PP skills are very rough, there are a lot to learn, it is going to be a long way to go.
ssvs04, have never seen this kind of duck. the baby duck looks definitely cuter than it's mom[]
Denise, you have good eyes, yes, I guess that one looks like a dust, I will try to remove it, thanks! also Denise, if you are thinking getting 300mm 2.8, consider 500mm 4.0 instead[]
Rich, I used layer and mask(which was Joel taught me before) to PP this shot, all basic stuff,nothing was really fancy. this shot maybe one of my luckiest shot. those different color in the BG came from sky, passing boat, mountain, water, and dock , also at the moment, she caught a fish, young GWE with nice new feather ,not shy so I could get really close, it was about 1h before sunset, backlit but some reflection from the water on the other side of the dock, so the face of the bird didn't look too dark. anyway, thanks Rich for your complment!
I'm sorry I didn't quote cause I can't do copy and paste, and I don't want to post them separately either.
SSVS04: Where was this picture taken (state/province, lake/pond or estuary). What time of year? Did you happen to observe how it feeds - does it dive or not? All these will help in IDing the species. Thanks!
It was taken in Orlando during summer. On a pond that has a apartment complex near it. It eats bugs and what the people feed it.
This an image I took with the "high key" effect, basically it's where the background is bright and you have to increase exposure to see your subject so the sky gets overexposed. This was a light overcast day, I was actually on a fishing trip (just so happened to have my 40D + 300mm 2.8L with me) when I took this. I metered with the central sensor only off the bird knowing the sky would be blown out.
Joel - Absolutely awesome photo!! I am very envious! Wow, so I've been "high-keying" it on many of my shots and didn't even realize it! Other than they don't look as good as this planned one, nobody really needs to know I didn't plan it that way, do they!? [A]
some more bald eagles.....
Its called a Muscovy Duck. Feral populations seem to be common in Florida. Apparently they
Originally Posted by ddt0725
yes, a lot of time I just hated the bright sky when shooting in backlit, next time will try this "high key", thanks Joel!
Denise and JJphoto,
Thanks for the compliments, for high key effect just make sure that you meter off the subject with the central sensor only. You will have to increase exposure to adequately see your subject against the light background so manual mode will be most effective here. If you use multiple AF points or any automatic mode the camera will be fooled into exposing for the sky and the subject will be more like a silhouette (which might also be cool, especially against a golden sunset or something)