Quote Originally Posted by Bob Williams
Thanks Denise--and I really appreciate all of the suggestions that you and the rest made to help me out. As far as the price--I pay $ 100 per year for thier premium service with all the bells and whistles plus 6 bucks for my domain name from Go Daddy.com. As far as the pricing on my photos go---I just started out with a straight 5% markup up from the printers (Mpix), But my wife justconvinced me to bump it up, so It is now at 20% above the cost of printing, framing and shipping. Honestly, this is a labor of love, so I don't really think much about the pricing---I would be thrilled if someone actually wanted to buyone. I am so envious (and Proud)of you right now with that great shot that you just sold

Bob, 20% mark up?...man your working cheap. But you know if someone wanted one of my pictures to hang on the wall, and they were willing to pay justthe printing cost I would be thrilled.

Also I found some of your photo's new names entertaining, good work.

One problem I encountered. I have a 30" monitor here at work. I open your site and its fine full size and everything. I click on the gallery and look at pics, click on one and look at it. Then...I did the back button on ie to back up to your home page. At that point your home page does this weird thing where it resizes itself to about 1/3 of its normal size. I tried this twice and both times it did it. Not sure whats going on there but thought I would pass it along.