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Thread: Computers arghhhhh.. 32 or 64, HDR arghh...

  1. #31
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    Re: Computers arghhhhh.. 32 or 64, HDR arghh...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jan Paalman
    And honestly drivers are pretty much a non-issue with W7 anyway.

    Why would that be Jan?

    I was going to suggest to Steve U that if he bought a name brand PC, he most likely could go to their website and download all the updated drivers after he reloads.

  2. #32
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    Re: Computers arghhhhh.. 32 or 64, HDR arghh...

    I might be lucky, but my motherbord, graphic card and even cheap wireless cards are updated via the windows update. So no searching for particular drivers. No more cd

  3. #33
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    Re: Computers arghhhhh.. 32 or 64, HDR arghh...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jan Paalman

    I might be lucky, but my motherbord, graphic card and even cheap wireless cards are updated via the windows update. So no searching for particular drivers. No more cd's like it used to be etc.

    At least that's how it works for me. The only time I need a driver is when I re-install my entire system and the windows installer doesn't see my raid set-up. But for normal W7 users, drivers seem to me like a non-issue.

    You sure that is not a manufacture of your computer doing this thing? Not a windows 7 thing?

    I know my Dell laptop at work was set up that way and worked fine with updates...then one day while searching "Canon Camera Rumors" a web site had a nasty bug on it that killed the lap top. The IT guys ended up reloading windows and wiping the hard drive, they said this was easier. When it came back it was bugged bad and I had to de bug it myself. The problem was the IT guys (I believe that stands for Idiot Techs in this case) loaded all generic drivers. When I finally figured out the problem I went to Dell's website and got the right drivers, problem solved. Of course it wasn't windows 7 on the system, I was just wondering if windows had put a way for the PC to figure out what it needed and update itself.

  4. #34
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Computers arghhhhh.. 32 or 64, HDR arghh...

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
    But the biggest difference is that Apple's spinning beachball is prettier and more entertaining than Windows' blue screen of death. Plus...Macslook really, really nice. [img]/emoticons/emotion-11.gif[/img]

    Well John, I have to bow to that [:'(] I agree. Honestly, I keep looking at the Mac's at the store and they really look nice and clean-----But there is just something wrong with shoving all of your hardware into the monitor---I just can't get past that, and I can't afford a Mac Pro. Besides that, thier inlcuded keyboard doesn't have a number pad---who's bright idea was that?


  5. #35
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Computers arghhhhh.. 32 or 64, HDR arghh...

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk

    Hmmm who was it this morning that got the whole Apple vs Windows debate going.....[img]/emoticons/emotion-14.gif[/img]

    Must of been Neuro


  6. #36
    Senior Member Trowski's Avatar
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    Re: Computers arghhhhh.. 32 or 64, HDR arghh...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Williams
    Besides that, thier inlcuded keyboard doesn't have a number pad---who's bright idea was that?

    I was puzzled when they changed this as well... the wireless keyboard doesn't have a number pad, which makes sense for portability, but on the wired keyboard I don't see a reason for its exclusion. If you order the computer from Apple, you can specify whatever keyboard you like, including the extended keyboard with numberpad. I've always bought directly from Apple because usually it's cheaper with either a student discount or AAAS discount.

    - Trowski

  7. #37
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    Re: Computers arghhhhh.. 32 or 64, HDR arghh...

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk

    <span style="font-size: 11.6667px;"]On another note I am now at home....and for all the window users out Mac Pro is still buggy and logs me out when I try and post on this forum....Mark One up for Windows

    Ah, I was wondering whether other Mac users had the same problem, must be some incompatibility between Safari (at least that's what I'm using) and the Forum software.

    Ciao, Colin

  8. #38
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Computers arghhhhh.. 32 or 64, HDR arghh...

    Yes, it does seem to be a Safari issue. Turning on Private Browsing seems to correct it, at least for me, leading me to think it's a cookie issue.

  9. #39
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    Re: Computers arghhhhh.. 32 or 64, HDR arghh...

    I so feel your pain, Steve! I am having computer issues as of late and am debating whether to upgrade my current or buy a new PC. Both can be very painful!

    Your experience so vividly reminded me of every experience I have had in the past with the geek squad at Best Buy! I have NEVER had a pleasant experience buying a new PC.

    Last time I took my old computer to Best Buy, they had to restore to new because of spyware or something. I paid them to back up EVERYTHING to disks before doing so. They neglected to dothis and photos of my last family vacation were gone along with many other memorable photos!

    In my book, every family should have a doctor, dentist, mechanic and computer wiz in it!!! Unfortunately, mine has none of the above! [:'(]


  10. #40
    Senior Member doggiedoc's Avatar
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    Re: Computers arghhhhh.. 32 or 64, HDR arghh...

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    In my book, every family should have a doctor, dentist, mechanic and computer wiz in it!!!

    You may want to add Veterinarian to that list too! LOL!


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