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Thread: Is this a fluorescent light issue?

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Re: Is this a fluorescent light issue?

    Quote Originally Posted by lculpin
    Not metering, it is a fluorescent light issue. As mentioned above fluorescents 'pulse' at a certain frequency that is picked up by your camera depending on the shutter speed you use - HDNitehawk is correct, you unfortunately have to lower your shutter speed. Or keep it the same and roll the dice

    Yes I take my metering statement back now.

    What I was reading is that fluorescent lights lack the red spectrum. If you want to roll the dice like lculpin says, maybe try other shutter speeds and see what interesting color striping you can get.

    Thanks for posting this, I got to learn something about fluorescent lighting today

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Re: Is this a fluorescent light issue?

    Florescent bulbs have a pulse frequency of 60Hz.. That as well as your point of focus and the metering mode will have the effects I see in these pictures. And if those office florescent lights had covers over them, that can make things worse.

    Here is a good comparison of how metering can effect your pictures.

  3. #13
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Is this a fluorescent light issue?

    Quote Originally Posted by tkerr
    Florescent bulbs have a pulse frequency of 60Hz..

    Actually, most currently available fluorescent bulbs have a magnetic ballast that 'pulses' (sparks) at twice the frequency of the supply current. So in the US with 60 Hz AC, they will flicker at 120 Hz (and in most of the rest of the world, which uses 50 Hz AC, they flicker at 100 Hz).

  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    Re: Is this a fluorescent light issue?

    Fluoresent issue.

    Many older buildings are still using magnetic ballasts which cause a flicker. For the past few years, almost all new installations use electronic ballasts which use a 20KHZ frequency and work great with Digital Cameras.

    At some point, when major renovations take place, old lights will be upgraded. Not only is flicker eliminated, but cost is reduced as well.

    In the meanwhile, use a 1/60 shutter or slower to work around it, or use a flash.

  5. #15
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Re: Is this a fluorescent light issue?

    Gasp, flickr eliminated. But I just turned Pro.
    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

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