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Thread: 70-200: f4 IS vs f2.8 non-IS

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    70-200: f4 IS vs f2.8 non-IS


    Anyone have any opinions on which is a better lens to have? I have the f4 IS version but have an opportunity to grab the 2.8 non-IS version at a great price. I really like IS but I also like the 2.8 option -i enjoy bothwith 17-55.

    I should just have both but that's hard to justify...


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: 70-200: f4 IS vs f2.8 non-IS

    My impression from all the tests is that the f/4 IS is optically the second-best of the 70-200mm zooms (it was the best until the f/2.8 IS USM II showed up), and personally I would not "down-up-grade" to the 2.8 non-IS, gaining one stop of aperture and losing the IS and the superior quality. I also walk around outside a lot, so the lower weight of the f/4 is a good thing for me, too. If you feel that you don

  3. #3

    Re: 70-200: f4 IS vs f2.8 non-IS

    I would stick with the f/4 IS unless you are shooting something like sports a lot.

  4. #4
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: 70-200: f4 IS vs f2.8 non-IS

    Unless one stop of shutter speed will make a huge difference for you, e.g. if you shoot indoor sporting events, I'd stick with the f/4L IS version. Even if you do shoot indoor sports a lot, I'm thinking your money might be better put towards something like the 135mm f/2L (which you can probably get for something close to your great price on the 70-200/2.8 - having a slower zoom and a faster prime in the same range is a good combination.

  5. #5
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    Re: 70-200: f4 IS vs f2.8 non-IS

    What percentage of your photography benefits from I.S. more than f/2.8? And which from f/2.8 more than I.S.? For example, do you have a lot of shots that would have been beautiful ISO 3200+f/2.8, but turned out a too-noisy ISO 6400+f/4? Or do you have a lot of beautiful handheld 1/15 I.S. shots at ISO 400 that would have been a too-noisy 1/250 ISO 6400 shots?

    Someone who shoots indoor sports would value the f-number more than the IS. Someone who shoots still subjects would prefer IS over the f-number. Which are you? If you do both equally, than it doesn

  6. #6
    Senior Member iND's Avatar
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    Re: 70-200: f4 IS vs f2.8 non-IS

    I shot indoor sports for years. I started with 70-200 f4 and was pleased but the f2.8 made a whole new world for indoor sports. The extra stop let me set some faster shutter speeds to help stop some action. I never went back to the f4 (but still use the f4 outdoors when I dont need the stop. The image quality is actually better in my opinion on the f4)

    I also carry the 135 f2 and its image quality is excellent and the faster lens is great. It has the best image quality of the three lenses but has the disadvantage of relying on a foot zoom.

    My opinion

    Indoor sports 70-200 2.8 non IS

    Outdoors 70-200 f4 (lighter)

    the 135mm f2.0 complements either situation.

  7. #7

    Re: 70-200: f4 IS vs f2.8 non-IS

    In addition to the thoughts the other members have shared, you might also want to consider your 7D

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: 70-200: f4 IS vs f2.8 non-IS


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