I don't own the 35/1.4 or 50/1.2, however I do own the 85/1.2 and the 24-70mm f/2.8, so I am familiar with these focal ranges.

I would say that the 35mm range on FF is a better environmental lens than the 50mm, especially on a trip like this to another country.

When John returns from his trip, he will be able to use his 7D with the 35mm/1.4 and get close to 50mm.

Then he will have 35mm on the 5DII and 55mm on the 7D.

If he buys the 50mm, then that will be 50mm on the 5DII and 80mm on his 7D which will be somewhat redundant, because if he wants to shoot at 80mm, he most likely would select his 85mm/1.2 on the 5DII.

So, I think that the 35mm lens will be a more versatile purchase for both of the bodies that he owns, as well as a better storytelling lens for his trip.
