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Thread: 1D Mark IV or new 70-200

  1. #21
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    Re: 1D Mark IV or new 70-200

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
    I certainly would like to have had a 1DIV to put to the same test...

    I guess I am going to be able to make that comparison, I just ordered the 1D Mark IV [*-)]

  2. #22
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    Re: 1D Mark IV or new 70-200

    WooHoo! Congrats!! Can

  3. #23
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    Re: 1D Mark IV or new 70-200

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    <div id="ctl00_ctl00_content_content_ctl00_fragment_121 6_ctl01_ctl00_PostForm__QuoteText"]

    WooHoo! Congrats!! Can't wait to see some photos taken with it!


    I will get you some close ups of the divorce papers when the wife finds out[:^)]

    Maybe I can slip it in with my other cameras and she won't notice.

  4. #24
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    Re: 1D Mark IV or new 70-200

    Thanks for the response John (Fast Glass), but perhaps I wasn't clear. I wasn't trying to compare using an extender vs. cropping, I was referring to the additional expense that might be incurred by requiring a 400mm f/2.8 with the MKIV, as opposed to a300mm f/2.8 + 1.4X extender on the MKIV which would cause a loss of one f-stop, as well as slower AF by 50% in the latter scenario.

    When I put my 1.4X extender on my 300mm f/2.8L, it becomes a 420mm f/4, so I lost one f-stop on the same camera. The aperture is now one stop smaller and my speed is one stop slower. That's what I was trying to imply.


  5. #25
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    Re: 1D Mark IV or new 70-200

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk

    I guess I am going to be able to make that comparison, I just ordered the 1D Mark IV [img]/emoticons/emotion-42.gif[/img]

    Hey Rick., Congrats! [B]

    That's awesome, you're going to love it.

    It's really very, very, nice!!


  6. #26
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Re: 1D Mark IV or new 70-200


    The7D was supposed to have a advantage in reach and noise because you loose one stop with an extender with the same lens in your preivious post.A 400mm f/2.8has more reach at the same apetureas the 300mm f/2.8. My point was that the 1D IV has the advantage in noise/reach. I was in a hurry when Ityped that postand I should have noted cropped whether with a 1.6 crop camera or in the post.

    The intonation of this post sounds like I am anoyed, I am not at all. Please don't take it that way.



  7. #27
    Senior Member
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    Re: 1D Mark IV or new 70-200

    Hi John,

    Thanks for the clarification, however I did not take it that way at all, as I always enjoy reading about your technical side of things.



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