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Thread: Just bought 100L IS Macro----Should I buy the ring flash?

  1. #1
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Just bought 100L IS Macro----Should I buy the ring flash?

    I just bought 100L IS Macro----Should I buy the ring flash? or spring for the twin flash? I have never used either and am curious if the twin flash is really that much better? Also, I read the B&H reviews and it seems like a lot of dentists use the ring flash for intraoral photography----My guess is if it works well for that, then flowers and bugs would also be great? Your thoughts are appreciated.



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    Re: Just bought 100L IS Macro----Should I buy the ring flash?

    I bought the 24ex and thought about the 14ex ring flash instead. I think the ring flash would work, but you get more control out of the 24ex style. You can take the heads off, point them different directions from each other and although I haven

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    Re: Just bought 100L IS Macro----Should I buy the ring flash?


    Wow, I gave $651 for mine back in November, and that was with 8% tax included. It is $788 now before tax.

    One other thing I recall reading and was part of my decision. The 14ex some say because it is a straight on light it tends to leave your subject looking flat. With the 24ex you could take a head off even or reposition to get the light coming different directions.


  4. #4
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Just bought 100L IS Macro----Should I buy the ring flash?

    Regarding subject depth, I did read that you can set either side of the ring flash for various ratios---This should allow for some creative lighting on close up subjects But as you said, you can

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    Re: Just bought 100L IS Macro----Should I buy the ring flash?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Williams
    -If extensive setup is an option, I suppose I could use other off camera flashes?


    I have done that with my 580ex before I got the 24ex. Just used a cord to get it off camera and hand held where I wanted it. There are a lot of other ways to do it other than buy the ring flash, many are a lot cheaper.

    I really have limited experience with the 24ex since I just got it four months ago, and being winter not many flowers or bugs to chase. Looking at how it works I was thinking a guy could get some brackets to attach to the tripod and position the heads off of the camera in a variety of ways to make some very interesting lighting. So far I have used it head on, diffused it, bounced one off the wall and other head on, and whatever other combination I could think of. I have taken one of the lights off and hand held it, I just think it has a lot more possibilities and for sure far more than I have thought of.


  6. #6
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Just bought 100L IS Macro----Should I buy the ring flash?

    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk

    I have done that with my 580ex before I got the 24ex. Just used a cord to get it off camera and hand held where I wanted it. There are a lot of other ways to do it other than buy the ring flash, many are a lot cheaper.

    Good Point---I have a 580 ex II and two vivitars---And I even "started" to get the hang of them with the pocket wizards---maybe I'll play with those beforedeciding on a lens mounted flash--Thanks

  7. #7
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    Re: Just bought 100L IS Macro----Should I buy the ring flash?

    Congrats on the new lens, Bob! You are going to love it!!

    I have the ringflash and I am very happy with it. If both were the same price, of course I would go with the 24ex but I'm glad I saved the few extra $. You can set each side at different ratios which is nice of course. I do like the fact that you can buy diffusers for the 24ex & I am thinking of making some sort of DIY diffuser for my ringflash since I haven't been able to find one for it. I do get the half moon bright spot that I have to edit in pp sometimes but for the most part, I think it is due to operator error.

    Here is an unedited photo that shows the little half moons in the middle and at the bottom of the cherry. It wouldn't take much to edit it out. I don't really think it has a flat look to it but some pp would help. I posted the edited one in the "best macro" thread.


    Good luck with your decision and I very much look forward to seeing some macro shots!!


  8. #8
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    Re: Just bought 100L IS Macro----Should I buy the ring flash?

    I should add that I also use a speedlight with a flash bracket and cord sometimes too and it does work very well. Hand held it can get heavy for me though after awhile.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Trowski's Avatar
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    Re: Just bought 100L IS Macro----Should I buy the ring flash?

    I have the 100L with the MT-24EX twin flash and I really love the set up. For me I wanted to be able to control the direction of the light rather than always have it coming directly face on. Another problem with the ring flash that Denise pointed out is the half-moon reflections that you
    - Trowski

  10. #10
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Just bought 100L IS Macro----Should I buy the ring flash?

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725

    I should add that I also use a speedlight with a flash bracket and cord sometimes too and it does work very well. Hand held it can get heavy for me though after awhile.
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    Thanks for the insight DD and Trowski. Since My obsession with the H-Birds last summer, I have built built up my lighting options. I have 3 speed lights, pocket wizards and boom stands and had almost learned how to use them in concert, and then the birds flew away for the winter [:'(]. With that capability, I figured I could use the multiple lights for theserious macro work and use the ring light for a walkaround bug hunting flash. With the ability to adjust ratio's I think you could overcome some of the "flat lighteffect" some talk about. As far as the half moon reflections---not really bothersome to me---infact, In the corner of eyes, I kind of like it---But if I don't,------ Thats why I have spent all that money on Photoshop.

    Keep the ideas and opinions coming---It's really appreciated


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