good one,too bad the bird is B&W....just kidding
good one,too bad the bird is B&W....just kidding
Joel, great lighting and composition, well done!!!
The Great Blue Herons are returning to the rookery.
Finally, a sign of spring!
Bill, this is something I have been dreaming about! Beautiful baby birds as well as the shot!!!
Mark, Unique shot with cool colors!
Joel, nice pose and composition, with sharp focus and a nice creamy background!
Bill, Great capture of the two young ones in the nest!
Thanks JJ and Rich for commenting on the GBHs, but I have to correct you. These 2 birds are adults in their breeding attire and were the only pair showing a possibility of romance in the air.
The chicks won
Originally Posted by Bill W
I love this photo, Bill and I cannot wait for them to start returning to SE Wisconsin!!!
Mockingbird 1D IV, 500mm F6.3, 1/1600, ISO 400 handheld, he (or she) sang for me
Redwing Blackbird ID IV, 500mm, F7.1, 1/800, ISO 400 a baited bird at the feeder
Rick, very nice shots!
I agree with JJ,
well done Rick[Y] !!!
I would not crop them quite so tight in the frame but you nailed the exposure fantastic.