Quote Originally Posted by HiFiGuy1
So would a 24-105 plus one of these 100-400s be pretty much all the lenses a fella would ever need? I was thinking of a 70-200 2.8 IS and a 24-105, but I'm open to alternate ideas.

Well, the answer depends on many many things!

What body do you use? If it's a full frame one, then 24mm might be wide enough on the wide end. I personally like to go wider, so something like the 17-40 or the 16-35 would be a nice addition to that kit.

On a 1.6x crop body, 24mm is definitely not wide enough (IMHO at least). I'd recommend the 10-22 for the ultra-wide focal lengths. Of course, it would also depend on whether you like to go really wide (it's real fun and allows for a lot of creativity; I'm personally getting addicted).

Another consideration is of course the speed of the lens; do you really need 2.8? Or you'd be happy with a slower option? If you're looking at the 70-200 f2.8 L IS, you should also consider the f4 L IS too. Apart from being cheaper, it's also smaller, weighs half what the f2.8 version does (i.e., your back will love you!), has better IS, and it's consider to be slightly sharper too.

My two cents,
