Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if anyone knows the best quality to post pictures on Zenfolio.com for large prints. I shoot in RAW with a 7D and a 1D MKIV.
I would like to offer high resolution images for small and/or large poster prints, or for high resolution downloads. However, when I upload the photos from aperture to Zenfolio, the default setting was 72dpi and 2MB. So, I changed it to the highest quality (12) with the slider scale and changed the dpi from 72dpi to 300dpi. So, now the files are about 10-15MB. I just picked 300dpi arbitrarily as I saw someone else using that figure on the zenfolio forum. Sometimes my images are cropped mildly.
Does this sound good enough for a poster print size of 24 inches x 36 inches?
I doubt a lot of people would buy this size, but as I build this website I would like to offer the highest quality, without over doing it.
I will say that even with the 300dpi 10MB setting the pictures don't look as good as they do on my monitor. I heard that Zenfolio reduces the "viewing image quality" in order to expedite viewing so that the user doesn't have to wait too long for the image to load.
TIFF Files are also available but then the upload time is very slow. But I will do it if it is better! I usually shoot about 1500 pictures for a 3 hour sporting event and out of those, I would probably like to upload approx. 500-1000 images. I have the unlimited storage account, so space shouldn't be a problem.
Should I just use TIFF and then I will also have high quality backups for an "extra" backup set?
If I use TIFF, should I use 8bit or 16bit?
Thanks for your help,