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Thread: Air Travel with a Tripod

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Newfoundland, Canada

    Air Travel with a Tripod


  2. #2
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Boston, MA

    Re: Air Travel with a Tripod

    Tripods are not expressly prohibited in carry on luggage. However, they could be considered a club-like object - it really depends on the security screener. Personally, I have carried on a CF tripod on domestic flights in the US a couple of times, with no issues. I'd recommend arriving at the airport early, to allow time to return to the airline ticket counter if you're required to check it in.

  3. #3

    Re: Air Travel with a Tripod

    Went from Canada to U.S.A. two times last year with my tripod (in a soft fabric bag) as "personal item" carry-on and had no issues.

    The TSA screener in Springfield, MO, did ask what was inside the bag, and let me pass when I mentioned it was a tripod for a digital camera.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Re: Air Travel with a Tripod

    I have carried a Sunpak 6601UT and my new Gitzo 2541 through security in a soft fabric bag and have yet to have an issue. The 6601 has spikes on the end too. I think you should be fine. Just keep it with the camera and if they ask just say tripod. A tripod with a 20 lb lens can

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2009
    Newfoundland, Canada

    Re: Air Travel with a Tripod

    Thanks for the replies. Sounds like I shouldn't have an issue. I didn't think it should be a problem, but I wouldn't have thought bringing a bottle of water through security would be a problem either...

    In any case, it's good to hear that others have done it without problem. I'll still take John's advice and arrive early enough that I can check the bag if security dosn't let it through.


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